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6 years had passed since Elle Dameron moved to Naboo and began training to be a queen and since Ben Solo became Kylo Ren and the apprentice of the Sith master Snoke, Elle was on the terrace of the Naboo Palace reading a book when suddenly a guard appeared out of breath  "You highness..." he started, but she wasn't hearing him she was hearing screams and looked up to the sky. "Your highness!" the guard called out louder causing the now 29 year old woman jumped tear brimming her eyes and looked at the guard "Y...yes..." she stuttered.

"Your son he's crying claiming he hears screams." the guard says, this immediately causes the now queen to spring to her feet and run downstairs to her 6 year old son's room dropping the book she had been holding, "Jason!" she called out as she reached his room, "Mommy why are they screaming?" Jason cries running into his mother's arms, Elle caught him with easy and picked him up and holds him close to her. 

Suddenly she felt a disturbance in the Force once again, only stronger, she knew that millions were killed, planets destroyed, along with the queen of Naboo. She fell to her knees still holding her son "Your highness what's wrong?" the nanny that took care of Jason when she was busy. "The queen has been murdered." she whispers rubbing her son's back as he hiccuped.

The room fell quiet as Elle thought, she pulled back and looked at her son, he had her father's hair and face structure but he had her eyes, nose and light freckles, he also had his father's chin and lips. "Gather everyone outside I have an announcement to make." she said, the guards and nanny nodded and left the room.

"Mommy what is going on?" Jason asked, his 6 year old figure following his mother as she walked to the window, "There is a war going on Jace, people are dying and mommy has to go somewhere." the now queen of Naboo says, her son grabs her hand and says "I want to go with you mommy." "You will sweetheart, I could never leave you behind. You are my life, have been ever since you were born." Elle says smiling at her son.

"Your highness... Everyone is gathered." the guard says, she nods and walks to the outside stairs "I'm afraid I do not have good news, your queen has been murdered by the First Order that makes me now your Queen. And as a Queen I have the duty to protect my people, so I have decided that I shall join the Resistance and fight the First Order, help them destroy the Killer Base. I will return when I'm done with news until then the Senator will lead you." she says looking around the crowd.

"Your highness your transport is ready." a guard says before leading the new Queen and her son to the hangar, "Please sit down and don't move we are going to get to space and from the instantly go into Hyperspeed." the guard said, "May I come along Your highness? You might need someone to stay with Jason why you're away." Jason's nanny says as she steps onto the ship.

"He would have his grandmother but yes she could need help." she says, the nanny nods and sits down, the pilot closes the door and pulls the ship from the hangar and up into the space before punching it into hyperspeed.

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