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"We are nearing the coordinates you gave us." the pilot says, Elle get's up holding her sleeping son, "They are asking for a code." the pilot adds, "Put them on speaker and ask them to call their General." the Queen says before sitting down. 

"Can you give your landing code." General Leia's voice is heard through the cockpit, "May we have permission to land?" the queen says with a small smirk playing on her lips, "YES!" The General nearly shouted, causing everyone in ship to laugh. 

Once landed on the Camp Elle is the first one to get out of the plane, she sees everyone rushing around but she quickly spots her brother walking out of the Command Section, "Hold him." she says to the nanny before sprinting in her brother's direction.

"Your Highness you mustn't run!" the nanny reminds but Elle is too far away to hear her, she dodges everyone and everything and as soon as she's close enough she picked up of the floor and into her brother's arms having spotted her while she was running, "Poe!" Elle sighed in content while her brother sighs half in worry half in happiness "Elle!" 

"Umm...Excuse me but we have to go save Rey!" a tall dark skinned boy says, Elle would give him points on his outfit, it made him look good, of course he would never look as good as the man who owned her heart. "Shut up Finn! I haven't seen my sister in 6 years." Poe says still hugging his little sister.

"Mommy!" a frightened scream is heard causing Elle to snap her head in the direction of her son, "Come to me." she said knowing her son could hear her through the Force, and as quickly as she said that her son jumped out of his nanny's arms and ran to his mom, Jason loved order and knowing where he was but he was know somewhere he had never before been and that scared him. He ran to his mother who picked him up effortlessly and tightly.

"Who's this little guy?" Poe asked confused, "Jace say hello, don't be shy." Elle giggled, causing her son to pull back slightly and look at everyone in the eyes before saying "Jason Dameron Solo." 

"He's your son?"

"He's my nephew?"

"He's Ben son?"

"He's our grandson?" 


Was everything that was heard, "Yes he's my son, he's 6 years old. Yes Poe he's your nephew. Yes he's Ben and I's son don't ask for details. Yes he's your grandson and thanks BB-8 but he looks more like his father." was all that Elle said before saying "Aren't we going to war? Why are we all standing here?" 

"You're not going!" Poe said still remembering his sister's accident, "If you get hurt and/or die who's going to take care of Jason?" he added quickly, "You, his grandparents, his nanny and if his father changes his father." Elle answered truthfully and like it was already rehearsed.

"Mommy who is my daddy?" Jason asks, "He's a great man who's done a few back things, but mommy's going to try and bring him back." Elle says kissing his forehead before passing him to his grandmother, "Stay with your Nanna till mommy comes back." Elle added before kissing his forehead.

She then grabbed a helmet and turned to Ben's father "I'm going with you."She said before walking to the Millennium Falcon.

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