(important) additional notes

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It's been a while since I completed 'toxic', but as I was looking back at the story, a thought occurred to me that was necessary for me to voice out.

I don't support relationships that are unhealthy in any way. Love is not supposed to be harmful, deteriorating to one's mental or physical health, dark, or toxic in any form. We all deserve better love than that -- and I swear to you all, that good, pure, honest love does indeed exist. However, I wrote this story to bring light to the fact that toxic relationships do exist, and sometimes, it is very difficult to leave one.

And every situation is different. No doubt we all struggle to be better people, to improve parts of ourselves that still need working on. Some of us are not good at loving others, because we ourselves are caught in that struggle of being good. And it's okay to struggle, as long as we keep fighting to be better. It isn't uncommon for relationships to involve one or two people who are in the midst of that struggle, and I think that's one of the reasons why it's difficult to leave toxic relationships; sometimes, we need each other to be better, or we think we do -- or, we want to help the ones we love to be better, and do not want to leave them by themselves. Sometimes, we allow ourselves to be hurt, because in the end, we still want to so badly help the other that whatever sacrifice it takes to make them better, we are willing to make. 

And while I understand, I urge us all to remember, that though at the time we think there exists some sort of reason that justifies our being in a toxic relationship, in the end, for the sake of happiness of both people, it's better to leave behind these types of love, to start fresh, to continue to try and make ourselves better people, and eventually, find pure and healthy and good love. Because we deserve that. We deserve better.

So, this was just a thing I needed to say. That I wrote this story out of acknowledgement, and sympathy, but not out of agreement. Not out of acceptance. Love better. Be better. 

Lots of love.

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