Chapter One - Attitude

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"Hey Harley!" I shouted.

"What?" She shouted from down the hall.

"Let's go to the Whiskey tonight!" I said excitedly, coming into view.

"What for?" She asked, looking up at me from the vinyl that was in her hands.

"A band I like is playing there! Oh please, please, come with me!" I said excitedly, bouncing on my feet.

"Fine, I'll go." She mumbled.

"Yay!" I squealed, running up to hug her.

Harley and I grew up together here in Los Angeles. We met back in middle school, in seventh grade to be exact. At first I was a little intimidated by Harley, she seemed so cool and fun, too cool to ever want to hang around with me. But oddly we became best friends, and even though we're complete opposites, we still share the same likes; like music. Harley is as badass as you can get, she's got the dark hair, and dark swirling eyes--she's like a mystery, but that makes her all the more interesting. She rides motorcycles, likes to party, and isn't afraid to bite her tongue. She had a rough childhood, often she would come over to my house to get away from her mother. She was always welcomed, it was like a never ending sleepover.

Myself on the other hand, I was a good girl. A quiet kid that just wanted to please my parents. I was always pretty quiet, and bubbly. I try to be nice and see the good in everyone that I meet. I never was one for confrontation, or talking back. I guess you could say I was the perfect image for a "goody two shoes." My hair is dark, much like Harley's, but I have green eyes and a super-white-as-snow complexion, even here where the sun never stops shining.

"What should I wear?" I gasp.

"I suggest clothing." Harley said.

"I know that." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"I'll just wear my favorite sundress." I murmured, yanking it off of the hanger and pulling it over me.

Harley had on her black leather jacket, and shiny black boots on. I slipped on my Chuck Taylor's and joined Harley in the living room.

"I wanna take my motorcycle." Harley said, twirling the keys on her finger.

"Oh no." I faltered.

"Relax, it's not that scary." Harley grinned, tossing me a helmet.

"Whatever you say." I sigh and follow her down to the driveway.

I sit on the back of the bike and hold onto Harley's shoulder's for dear life. I can see her snickering at me from behind. The sun was staring to set, and the sky was a pretty pink.

Harley parked the bike in front of the bar. I took off the helmet and brushed out my wavy hair with my fingers. I looked over next to us and saw five guys fooling around, shoving each other and talking loudly. They were obviously drunk.

One of the guys stumbled backwards and almost bumped into Harley's bike.

"Hey! Watch it you fucker." Harley grumbled

The dude was tall, with super curly dark hair. "Oh, sorry." He slurred, nearly falling on the bike again.

Harley grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and shoved him away from the bike. "Remember, you break it, you fucking pay." She said, turning to go into the bar, with me quickly following from behind.

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