Chapter Nine - Safe

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I was scrambling to run. Harley told me to run, as a man was chasing us. I hesitated. I didn't want to leave her all alone.

"Sabrina! Get the hell out of here!" Harley screamed, so I listened.

I took off down the street, I was running so fast, I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know how long I had been running either. I looked back, to see if I could see Harley or that creepy dude; but no one was there. I stopped, trying to catch my breath. My lungs felt heavy, and I was practically wheezing. My legs and ankles ached, since I was running in sandals and a dress.

"Sabrina?" A voice said

I jumped, screaming, and turned to the mysterious figure.

"Woah, calm down. It's just me." Izzy said softly, I could see his face gleaming in the streetlight, the smoke from his cigarette swirling around the air.

"Oh," I gulped

"What's wrong? Why are you out of breath?" Izzy asked, stomping on his cigarette, and taking a step in, brushing my sweaty hair out of my face

"I--there--" I stuttered looking for the right words,

"There was a man, he tried to grab me, and Harley tackled him, and now he's got Harley, I think. But she told me to run so I did, and I don't know where she is!" I panted, my breathing hitching again, and on the verge of tears

"Okay stay calm, love. Where were you when this happened?" Izzy asked

"Um," I swallowed, "The alley near the beach."

"Okay well, I'm gonna get Duff to go out and find her. It'll be okay, Brina." Izzy said, he went into their small apartment. Duff was on the couch, he smiled up at me.

"Hey Sabrina!"

"Hey, Duff, you gotta go down to the alley, there was a guy chasing after Sabrina and Harley, but Harley's no where to be found." Izzy said

"What? Oh, I'm gonna go find her! Oh god, Sabrina are you okay? He didn't hurt you?" Duff said frantically, giving me a hug

"No, I'm not hurt, but I'm worried about Harley," I said through teary eyes

"Go find her!" I demanded, my hands balled into fists

Duff ran out the door, but I was panicking. I felt like I was suffocating and everything around me was closing in on me. I weeped, my legs giving out and dropped to my knees. My stomach was in knots thinking about Harley.

"Hey, it's okay. Duff will find Harley," Izzy said soothingly

"She'll be okay." Izzy whispered, pulling me into his arms and lightly stroking my hair

"Okay, I need you to breathe, okay?" Izzy said

"I can't!"

"Yes you can. When I count to three, take a deep breath." Izzy said

"One, two, three,"

"Come on, breathe in, Brina."

Brina. Nobody has ever called me that before, and it automatically made me smile.

I did as Izzy said and took a deep breath. I already started to feel at ease now.

"And one more." Izzy voiced

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Now will you open your pretty eyes for me?" Izzy asked

I nodded, and once again did as he said. I opened my eyes and looked up at Izzy, who had a smile on his face.

"See, that wasn't so bad, right?" He smirked

I nodded, and rubbed my eyes, "Don't panic. Harley seems like she can take care of herself." Izzy chuckled,

"And Duff will make sure he finds her."

"I know. I'm just worried...what if something happens to her?" I sniffled

"She's my best friend."

"I know she is. I promise you, she'll be fine. And I'm gonna make sure no more creepy guys try to grab you." Izzy smiled shyly

"Thanks." I giggled

Izzy grinned, then kissed my cheek. He lit another cigarette and blew the smoke to the side. He turned on the small television to help keep me distracted. Slash, Axl, and Steven showed up. Steven plopped down next to me with a happy smile and a gleam in his eyes.

"Hi Sabrina!"

"Hello Steve." I smiled

"Izzy told me what happened! Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm okay..." I trailed off

I looked up as the door opened and relief washed over me. Duff walked in with Harley by his side.

"Harley!" I cried, jumping off the couch and hugging her tightly. The impact from my hug made her stumble backwards.

"You're okay!" I said, feeling tears in my eyes again

"Yeah, I'm fine." Harley laughed

"Fuck don't cry, Sabby." Harley said

"I was so worried though!"

"Ugh, I'm so glad you're back!" I said and hugged her again

"Me too." She laughed

"You alright, though?" Harley asked

"Yes, yes! I'm great now." I grinned

"Yeah, I'm happy that you're okay." Duff said with a smile, I could see a small smile on Harley

Izzy came up next to me, putting an arm around me and pulling me down onto the couch. For the night, the guys insisted that we stay over, they didn't want to risk us getting hurt again; which I thought was the sweetest thing in the world.

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