Chapter Thirteen - Love Buzz

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That photo is going to be Sabrina, her real name is Liv Tyler.


Immediately after Duff's birthday, it was Axl's. And again, we were back partying. Axl wanted to have a party at the house, so it seems like everyone in town is here. I was having a tough time trying to navigate myself around the large clump of people surrounding Axl. 

Harley was around here somewhere, I just didn't know where. I couldn't find anyone because there was so many people. I stood up on my tiptoes, trying to look over the crowd for a familiar face. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see dark curls and ran over to Slash.

"Slash!" I shouted

"Huh-oh hey, Brina." Slash grinned, ever since Izzy started calling me "Brina," all the guys started doing it too

"What's up?" He asked, leaning against the wall

"I just,"  I sighed, "Can't find anyone."

"Yeah, its a shit cluster of people." 

"You lookin' for Izzy?" He asked, looking back at me

I nodded my head, "I was with him, but then I wasn't." I said, making Slash laugh

"Come on, little one, we'll find him." Slash said, taking my arm and leading me around the house, looking around in every room, but no luck.

"Did he just disappear?" I said in Slash's ear

"I guess so. He's like that." Slash chuckled

We rounded the corner back into the living room, where I saw Izzy sitting on a chair with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Hey Iz." Slash said

"We've been looking everywhere for you." 

"Well I was looking for you, and couldn't find you." Izzy replied

"Well, here's your lover. She was worried about you." Slash winked and then turned on his heel. My cheeks were burning as I looked away from Izzy

"Don't be shy." Izzy grinned, making my face turn even redder

"Come here, angel." He laughed, I did as he said and sat on his lap. He swept some of the hair that was covering my face behind my ear.

"Do you wanna go get a drink?" Izzy asked

"Okay." I nodded

I stood up and followed Izzy through the crowd. He kept his hand locked on mine so we wouldn't get separated. 

We went out back where there were coolers full of various beers and sodas. Izzy grabbed one for me and one for himself. He had a bottle opener in his pocket and popped the top off of mine.

"Do you always carry that with you?" I giggled

"Maybe." Izzy smirked

Once we got back into the house, we went back into the living room. Steven came up to us and smiled,

"Are you guys havin' fun, are ya! Because I am!" He said excitedly, his eyes were huge, and darted all over the place

"Uh yeah, hey Steve, maybe you should lay off know what." Izzy whispered

"The what?" I asked

"Nothing, nothing babe. Don't worry about it." Izzy smiled, then turned to glare at Steven, who shot him a confused glance before stumbling back through the crowd.

Izzy wandered over to the stereo, looking for something else to play. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to a man who reeked of alcohol standing in front of me.

"Hey baby, wanna get out of here?" He slurred

"No thanks." I said calmly 

"Come on." He mumbled


He stumbled closer and grabbed my wrist, making me drop the drink in my hand.

"Let go of me, I don't want to go." I said angrily, and tried yanking my arm free

"Shut up." He grumbled, tightening his grip

"Stop it, let me go!" I said frantically, as he started dragging me

"You're hurting me!" I cried

I could see Izzy come up behind the man, and relief started to wash over me. He tapped the guy's shoulder,

"Wha-" But the guy was cut off by Izzy's fist colliding with his jaw, and he fell to the floor.

Izzy stepped over the drunk man's limp body and over to me, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, and threw my arms around his torso. I looked up from his shoulder and saw Harley had seen the whole thing. She marched over to the groaning man on the floor and kicked him in the ribs, then went back over to Duff, and flashed me a smile; making me laugh.

I gazed back up at Izzy. His eyes met mine and he smiled; I stood on my tippy and pecked his lips, making us both smile. 

Izzy went back over to the chair in front of the coffee table, and made room for me to sit next to him. People were playing cards on the coffee table, playing for a bottle of jack daniels. Izzy picked up the box of cigarettes and then frowned,

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Um, is my lighter over in my jacket?" He asked, I looked over at the leather coat draped over the arm of the chair and checked the pocket. I found the lighter, along with something else. The photo that he had taken of me a few weeks ago. 

"Y-you still have this?" I asked, turning back to him

"What? Oh, yeah," He said shyly, scratching the back of his head

"I like taking it with me, its a nice picture. I was gonna put it in my wallet, but forgot." He said, taking the picture from my hands and placing it into a slot in his wallet

I grinned, "Look, I have the picture I took of you too." I pulled my wallet out of my jacket, (it was really Izzy's) and showed him.

"Cheers." I laughed, as I shoved our wallets into each other, as if it were a drink

"You're adorable." Izzy laughed

"As are you." I grinned, grabbing his hands and playing with his fingers 

Izzy grabbed my face and kissed me softly, making my stomach flutter and my body go numb. I was like hot butter in his hands.

"Do you wanna go to my room?" Izzy whispered

"Uh-" My breathing hitched and I went stiff

"We don't have to," Izzy replied quickly

"I don't want to scare you or make you uncomfortable, okay?" Izzy said, and brushed hair out of my eyes

"Don't be nervous, Brina, I won't do anything you don't want me to. Because-" Izzy paused

"Because what?" I asked softly

"Because-well...I love you, Sabrina." Izzy said, as a smile started to form onto my lips,

"I love you too, Izzy." 

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