Chapter 5 - Him

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I woke up early the next morning, forgetting that the two GNR boys were at our apartment. So when I went out into the living room I shrieked when I saw them on our couch. Harley burst out of her room,

"Sabrina! What's wrong?" She asked frantically

I put one hand over my racing heart, and one slapped onto my forehead.

"I-I forgot they were here." I gulped

Duff's wild blonde hair popped up from the couch and looked over at us.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, yeah! I'm good, I forgot you guys were here and you scared me." I said, a little embarrassed

"Oh, that's cute." Duff laughed

"Well now that you have successfully woken us all up now, we should eat." Harley said

"Right. We can make pancakes!" I said excitedly

"I know how to make pancakes." Duff said

"You do?" Harley and I said in unison

"Yeah, don't look at me like that." Duff laughed

"I grew up with lots of sisters."

"Right." I said and walked into the kitchen, I looked out at the couch and noticed Izzy wasn't on the couch

"Hey, wheres Izzy?" I asked

"Right here." A voice said out of nowhere

I shrieked yet again and almost fell onto the floor if Izzy hadn't rushed to catch me in his arms

"Sorry." Izzy chuckled

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"Um-its okay." I said nervously, looking up into his eyes

Izzy cracked a smile and let me stand upright again. "But thank you for making sure I didn't smash my face into the floor." I giggled

"Hey, no problem." Izzy winked

"Oh stop it you two lovebirds." Harley said coming into the kitchen

I immediately felt my face get hot and looked away from Izzy. Harley and I started getting out the ingredients to make the pancakes, while Duff turned the stovetop on. I tried helping Harley mix everything together but Izzy kept distracting me, which resulted in us fooling around and laughing.

"Okay, you're not much help right now. It's all Izzy's fault." Harley teased

"Sorry." Izzy smiled

"No you're not. You like her." Harley grinned

Harley shooed my out of the kitchen since I was too busy giggling with Izzy. We went out to the living room where the TV was on.

"He looks fucking stupid." Izzy said to the character that was on the TV

I threw my head back and laughed, "Oh wait, wait, wait!"

"That guy looks like Axl." Izzy laughed

"But he doesn't act like him. Axl would be like, "Fuck you, get out of my fucking way,don't you know who I am? Suck my fucking dick." Izzy said, mocking Axl

I laughed so hard that I fell off the couch and onto the floor, Izzy laughed along too.

When my laughing died down, I glanced over at Harley and Duff in the kitchen. They seemed to get getting along now, making me smile. Harley looked happy, which made me happy.

"Duff really likes her."Izzy said

"I can tell." I giggled

"Your laugh is adorable." Izzy said

"Thanks." I smiled and looked down at the ground

"Why do you do that?" Izzy asked

"Do what?" I asked

"You smile and then look at the floor, like you don't want anyone to see it." Izzy said

"Oh well, I dunno." I shrugged

"Well, when I was a kid, some girl told me my smile was too big. I guess it stuck with me." I mumbled

"Well she's a fucking idiot." Izzy said, making me laugh

"I like your smile, it's perfect, and so bright. It makes me want to smile." He laughed softly

"Thank you, I like your smile too." I said quietly

"Hey you two! Get in here." Harley shouted

"Foods done!"

Izzy stood up and reached his arms out for me to grab and pulled me up from the floor. I followed him to the kitchen and sat next to him on the counter. Harley handed me a plate full of pancakes and I thanked her.

Izzy and I sat side by side as we watched Harley and Duff now laughing and giggling like we were.

"Hypocrites, they yelled at us for doing that." Izzy said, holding his fork up in the air with a pancake on it, which fell off the fork and onto the floor

I laughed and picked up the pancake and threw it at him. "Hey!" Izzy grinned and threw one at me. I giggled and threw it back at him, then he grabbed it and threw it at Duff

"Hey, what the hell?" Duff asked, looking around

"Izzy." Duff said

Izzy smiled and waved his hand at him

"Yeah, hi." Duff rolled his eyes

Izzy turned his attention back to me, "So, whats your favorite band?"

"The Ramones." I answered with a smile

"Really?" Izzy asked

"Yeah?" I said unsurely

"I didn't really expect that you would be a punk rocker." Izzy said

"Well just because I don't wear leather and have a mohawk doesn't mean that I can't like punk." I grinned

"Touché." Izzy said with a wink

"What about you?"

"I like the Rolling Stones." Izzy said

"I like them too." I grinned

I hopped off of the countertop and went out onto the small balcony. There were two chairs and a small table. I leaned on the edge of the of the railing and watched the sun come up. The sky was pink and blue, and the air felt warm.

Izzy joined me on the railing, looking out into the distance.

"Sabrina, tell me about yourself." Izzy said

"Oh, well, my name's Sabrina Rosario Gray," I started, giggling a little

"I have an older sister too, Seraphina. Uhh, I like art, and music, and books, and school, and dogs." I said, grinning up at Izzy

"Oh and candy."

Izzy chuckled as he looked down at me. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were. They were a soft green color, and glowed in the morning light. His face was so perfectly sculpted, I wanted to grab it and kiss him.

"So-" Izzy said, coming back to reality

"I want you to thank your parents."

"Why?" I asked

"Because they made an incredible girl, with a beautiful smile." Izzy said quietly

"I just may have to tell them." I grinned, blushing.

For most of the day, I spent it around Izzy, We played some more guitar, and I showed him some of my artwork. He told me how his band got together, and how him and Axl were friends back in school. Harley and Duff also hung around today too. Duff was still trying his hardest to get close to her, but Harley was starting to loosen up, making me smile; because I really liked these guys.

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