Chapter 3 - Fools

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"What do you want to do today?" I asked, turning to Harley.

"I dunno, but I need a drink." Harley replied.

"Let's go back to Whiskey then!" I exclaimed.

"Okay." Harley shrugged.

"Just let me change." I said and quickly ran back to my room, changing out of my flower pajamas and into a flowy sundress.

"Let's go." I shouted as I walked back down the hall

Harley had her keys in her hand. "Let me guess, we're taking the bike again?" I groaned.

"You'll live." Harley grinned.

"Oh fine." I huffed and followed Harley down to the bike.

We left and made our way down to the Sunset Strip, and walked into the Whiskey. There weren't many people there, which was nice since it's usually jam packed. Harley and I placed ourselves at the bar. The stools were the spinny type, so I found amusement in spinning and swaying around in the stool.

"What is wrong with you?" Harley laughed as she watched me spin myself around.

"I dunno, it's fun!" I laughed.

"You're so easily amused." Harley rolled her eyes at me.

I stuck my tongue out at her as the bartender arrived with our drinks. I stopped my spinning and grabbed the bottle. "Thanks." I grinned up at the bartender.

I sipped the beer and turned a little in my stool, and what I saw made me choke on the beer and nearly fall off the chair.

"You okay there, Sab?" Harley asked, stifling a laugh.

"It's them." I murmured.

"It's what?" Harley asked.

"Them! I-Izzy, and Duff!" I shrieked, turning around to hide my face from them.

"Oh not again." Harley rolled her eyes and made an unpleasant face.

"Did they see me? Are they looking, oh god!" I groaned and let my head fall onto the bar.

"Hey! It's you two!" I hear Duff say.

"What a fucking surprise." Harley said in annoyance.

"Are you guys following us?" She asked, arching a brow.

"No. Are you following us?" Duff asked with a smirk.

"Oh please. Don't flatter yourself." She scoffed.

I looked over at Izzy who already had his eyes on me, making me blush and quickly avert my eyes away.

"Well since we're here, mind if we have a drink with you?" Duff asked

"Sure!" "No." Harley and I said at the same time

We both turned to glare at each other. "We'd love it." I said, turning back to the guys.

Duff and Izzy sat down at the bar next to us. I could see Izzy looking at me; out of the corner of my eye.

"Hello." I finally said in a shaky voice.

"Hi." Izzy's smile got wider.

"You're Sabrina, right?"

"Yep." I nodded, "And you're Izzy." I smiled.

"Yes, I am." Izzy laughed.

"And Harley, my best friend!" I said.

"I like that name. Harley." Duff smirked.

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