Chapter Eleven - Birthday Boy

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The photo Izzy took of Sab!^^


It was Duff's birthday today, and I was over at the guys house. Harley and I were out on the patio alone.

"Lets take him to dinner!" I grinned

"We can sing happy birthday." I giggled

Harley rolled her eyes at my childish ways, "I guess that could be fun."


"You tell him." I said


"Because you like him, and he obviously likes you." I said, Harley's cheeks burned red as I said that

"Fine." She mumbled and went into the house

I followed her into the house, bouncing on my feet and plopped down next to Izzy.

Duff was still asleep, so Harley sat in the chair next to the couch and took the remote from Slash, who let out a whiney "hey!"

While Harley was flipping through the channels, I leaned in closer to Izzy and kissed his cheek. He looked down at me and smiled, putting an arm around me.

"Get a room." Harley groaned, making me giggle.

"That sounds good to me," Izzy smirked and I playfully slapped his arm.

"Izzy!" I said, with blushing cheeks.

"Hey, just the truth." Izzy smirked, putting his hands up in defense

I could tell that my face was about as red as Axl's hair. Harley was laughing at me, when Duff came trotting down the stairs.

"The birthday boy!" I shouted

Duff grinned, "Hello."

"Happy birthday, Duffy!" I said happily

"Thanks Sab." Duff laughed and went into the kitchen for a drink

I looked over at Harley, urging her to go talk to him about tonight. She rolled her eyes at me and got off the chair. I smiled and then turned back to Izzy. I just stared at him. He was dangling his cigarette from his mouth and looking at the TV. I loved everything about his face, the soft curve of his lips, and his kind brown eyes; that were sometimes green. I liked his dark shaggy hair, and how it hung around his eyes, and pale angelic skin. And I loved his raspy, gentle voice. Izzy caught me staring, to which I quickly looked away and stared at the TV.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Izzy teased

"Maybe I will." I giggled

"I will."

"What?" I asked

"I'll take a picture of you." Izzy said and grabbed the old polaroid camera from the coffee table, and without warning snapped a picture of me.

"Hey, I wasn't ready." I whined

"Oh calm down." Izzy smiled and shook the photo while it processed

"Ew, I don't like it." I giggled

"I like it, you look pretty. And look, you're smiling." Izzy grinned

"My turn!" I said, snatching the camera from his hands and taking a picture of him

I giggled as I looked at the photo, Izzy's eyes were slightly opened and he had a goofy smile on his face.

"Now that is a bad picture, you're photogenic, I'm not."  He laughed

"Oh stop, you look perfect." I said, without even realizing what I had just said

"You're perfect." Izzy said, making me smile

Izzy leaned in, and before I had time to react, he had placed his lips upon mine. I didn't protest though. Not at all.

It made me smile against the kiss, and he put his arms around my torso; deepening the kiss.

"Oh gross." Slash whined

Izzy then literally, stuck his tongue down my throat, adding to Slash's whining and grumbling. I could see him get off the couch and go into the kitchen. Izzy kissed me one last time and then we parted. I looked up at him shyly and smiled.

Harley came over to us and took Slash's seat.

"We're going to the club later."

"Yay." I giggled

Harley and I then went back to our apartment to get ready. The photo of Izzy was still in my pocket, I smiled and placed it in my wallet. I had stolen Izzy's jean jacket before I left their place. And after getting dressed, I put the jacket over top of my flowy sundress.

"That looks nice, where's it from?" Harley asked

"I took it from Izzy." I giggled

"Oh nice." She laughed

"So, are you gonna give Duff a birthday surprise later tonight?" I asked

"Oh my god, Sabrina shut up." Harley shouted from her room

"You know you want to!" I shouted back

"Let's just go, okay?" Harley said, stomping down the hall. I could tell she was embarrassed

I followed Harley down the stairs, and onto the pavement as we walked down to the club. When we entered, I saw the boys all packed into a booth, with two girls draping themselves over the table, and laughing at anything one of the boys said.

Izzy had his chin in the palm of his hand and his bored eyes met mine, making him light up. He made room at the table so I could sit next to him, and so that Harley could be next to Duff. I saw him give her a kiss out of the corner of my eye, making me smile.

"Hey, angel." Izzy said

"Hello." I said, my voice sounding small, like a child

Izzy grinned and put an arm around me, making one of the girls frown. Izzy looked down, "Hey is that my jacket?"

"Uh, yeah. Do you want it back?" I asked nervously

"No, no. Wear it, it looks cute." Izzy grinned

"Happy birthday, Duff!" Steven said, and soon everyone else chimed in, saying their happy birthday's to the tall blonde

"To the best fucker around, Duff McKagan!" Slash's voice interrupted, raising his glass in the air

"To Duff!" We all shouted and clinked our glasses together, throwing our heads back and downing the alcohol.

And that's pretty much how the rest of the night went.

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