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I walked back to Geoff's tour bus, I knocked on the door and Geoff's head peered down from the window. He denied my access and locks the door. I went to the driver's side and talked to their driver.

"Can you unlocked that door for me? Geoff and I got into a heated argument" he just nodded and unlocked it. I rushed on and Awsten and Otto were cuddling watching The Lovely Bones. I laughed and quietly asked for Geoff. They pointed to the back living area as I hear soft cries. I rushed to him. Geoff was there crying and I hugged him. I never let go of him. "She didn't want me Awsten. I felt like she was the one. Like god wants to say she's the one. She hates me. And it hurts to see her" I was speechless. Was God really telling him that? Did God want me to go and forgive him? I started crying with him. He looked up shocked.

"Lacey?" We just stared at each other. "I wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I was just guarding my heart. You wanted to know me because I said you didn't know me...I feel like a bitch to you..." I got closer to him and cuddled him. I placed my head on his chest and he put his arm around me playing with my hair. He moved to lay on the couch and he pulled me on top of him. I nuzzled my head into his neck while he took his phone and took a photo. He was typing something and he puts it down. He hugs me tighter and we both fell asleep.

I woke up to vibrating. My phone was going off. I pick it up. "Lacey! Get to the signing now! You have five minutes!" I heard Pat yell into the phone. I rolled off Geoff which woke him up. "Geoff where are you?! We have to go to the signing!" Otto screamed. "Come on! Let's go!" He said placing a kiss on my lips. We ran to our signings and headed toward the Flyleaf booth. I check my phone and a notification popped up. underscoregeoff has followed you on Instagram. I unlock my phone and follow back. I see the photo of us cuddling. It says "Mine 😍❤️" and it tagged me in it. I commented "Awww" and then another comment from him says "😘😘" I DM him saying "Geoff no. You have to ask me out first and take me on a date" "Finnneeee" he said. I locked my phone and went around the tent to sign items. After the long signing we headed back to the bus and there sat Geoff with a box of pizza and a coke.

"Geoff what is this?" "A date" he said with a goofy smile. "Depends what kind o-" "Bacon" "It's a date!" I rushed to eat with him.

"Pizza?! Dude guys come on!" They tired to grab it but I told them off. "It's a fucking date! Back off my pizza!" They got scared and walked to the living area. "So tell me about yourself" he said taking a bite of pizza.

"Well. I'm Lacey Nicole Mosley. I was born in Homestead Florida. I'm the oldest of many kids. I grew up in poverty having to move a lot due to the housing authority. My mom was a lone woman due to dad being in jail. My family is strongly Christian. When I was 10, my 3 year old cousin was beaten to death by his stepfather. I stopped believing in God, I was depressed, suicidal. By the time I was 16 I planned to commit suicide and that's when I had the miraculous encounter with God. That's what kept me from ending my life. That's why I'm here. I was married at 19, divorced at 21 and I've been single since" I told.

Geoff sat there with puppy eyes with those perfect blues. "My god. That's so sad." "What a bout you Geoff?" "Eh. My mom's raised us and he did a great job." He sniffles "aha I'm sorry. I don't like talking about it" he added. "It's okay...I'm sorry." "I wanna know more about you" he said trying to make the mood lighter. "I like boys" "Any in specific?" "Yeah his name's Awsten" and his face went to a frown. "I'm just kidding. It's no one" he was still frowning "Okay fine. I guess it's you" I rolled my eyes and he smiled again.

After eating he pulls a movie that he hid behind him. It was The Labyrinth. I love that movie. My cat was named after David Bowie. "Oh my god that's my favorite movie!" I said excitedly "Play it play it play it!" I said like a baby. He plays the movie and we cuddled watching it. He plays with my hair and I look at him, I smile and he smiles back. We just stare at each other. Our faces are getting closer, he leans in and kisses me. I felt sparks fly and we made out the whole time. But The Labyrinth was playing and I pulled away. "Did I do something?" "No I just wanna finish the movie" "Oh okay. You know what's mine?" "What?" We put his hand on my chest "Woah there. But you know what's mine?" I put my hand on his crotch area and felt his hard one teasing him. "I'm just kidding" I said laughing my ass off. "What?" "Geoff, I like you but I'm recently divorced and I'm scared to date. Plus you wanna take things fast and have sex with me but that's a fuckboy thing" embarrassed, he walked out. Oh well.

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