Red Sam

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A few months later...

Geoff and I hang out a lot. Because, ya know, we're a thing. He's writing music for the a new album. Aw bb's so hard at work. He crashed at my place last night and now he's just working on my laptop.

Flyleaf was also working on a new album. Pat's gonna inform me on it. We've written a song called Again which is still in the demoing process. I check up on Geoff who was strumming some tunes. He looks up and smiles at me. I smile back and head to bed for a nap.

I woke up to Geoff grabbing me for a cuddle. And we both slept. My phone vibrates and it's a call from Awsten. "Hello?!" "Lace, is Geoff with you?" Geoff grabs my phone "What? Yeah I know. I know. Okay. Okay. Got it. But. Fine. Bye" he ends the call and hands the phone back. "What was it?" "He was just reminding me stuff. And he wants to go out to eat. Wanna come?" "No. I'm wanna stay home." He frowns "Okay" he kisses me and puts his shoes on before leaving "I'll bring you something okay?" "Okay" "I love you" "I love you too" that gives him a smile. He leaves and finally! Sleep!

I wake up two hours later bored. Damn he's still gone? I decided to go to HEB for some orange juice...oh man. I love orange juice. I hope Awsten doesn't freaking take it. I opened the door and Geoff popped up. "Geoffyyyy!" I say hugging him. "Were you just watching me walk to the door?" "Haha no. I was gonna go to HEB" "I got you OJ and food." "Yayyyy!"

We sit on the couch watching Family Guy on Netflix eating and laughing. Geoff decides to ask an unwanted question, "So your first marriage?" "What about it?" "What happened?" "I didn't love him. It was too early for marriage for me too...and because I loved someone else and had an affair, but that affair didn't work either." "Soooo is that gonna happen to me?" "It's up to my heart and my soul" "Okay" he smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and he held my face so I wouldn't move and it turned out into a make out session. Geoff got hard and I don't know what to do, go for it or wait?" Being a good Christian I wait. But he starts to unbuckle. "Geoff no. Too soon." I get off him and he looks mad.

"Come on! Can't we just do something fun!?" He yelled. "I love you and we make out. That's all I can give. I want my body for someone who wants to marry me." That's when he shoved me. "Enough with that Christian bullshit! Let's just fuck already!" His horny ass yelled. "You should leave. And never come back." He gets even more mad "So we're done? That's it?" "Well you're treating me like a sex toy so yeah. Leave." "Fine whatever. I'll go" he gets up and leaves. I've haven't heard from him since.

Two Weeks Later

My tour manager Scotty calls me up about an upcoming tour in a few months. "Lacey, you guys are gonna be featured with Sleeping With Sirens, State Champs, Tonight Alive, and Waterparks!" I cringed at the last band "Ugh.." "What?" "Waterparks..." "Oh? If you don't like them then don't. You'll have to tour someday" "Alright alright. Thanks Scotty." He hangs and I got an iMessage from Awsten

Awsten: That tour tho

Me: I know lol can't wait...

Awsten: Why '...'?

Me: I really don't wanna see Geoff

Awsten: Oh yeah...don't worry. I'll keep him away.

Our guitar tech left us...what a jerk so we had to find a new one soon. I started reading a book called "The Bride Wore White" it was about marriages and relationships. I wasn't feeling anything good about this. I came up to a chapter that said "Make a list of your dream husband" i laughed. I didn't want to so I skipped it. But the next chapter was about the list so I shut the book completely. A few hours later I went to pick the book up and it fell on a page about a girl who didn't want to get married "I don't wanna married so I don't have to do this" and I laughed in my mind saying "Hm maybe I should read this" so she started making a list anyways so I started mine. "He has to love Jesus and metal music, random beauty marks, tattoos with meanings, he has to have this 'I don't care' type of hair, hazel eyes, and he has to be shy but has to pursue me even though I'm a rockstar" just a bunch of ridiculousness.

So the next day we found a guitar technician, his name was Josh. He looked like he fit the list but he didn't pursue me. But he started walking up to me and talk. "I'm Josh" well he pursued me. "Lacey" he didn't have the hazel eyes though but the book said don't be picky. We talked a bit and as the sun started to move, the light hits his eyes and they were hazel and I choked. I felt so freaked out. "Um...yeah thanks dude. I gotta go. I'm busy" I left and I didn't talk to him again. He didn't pursue me again so he wasn't the one.

The next day Scotty called "Hey Lace, remember Josh? He wants to know if he can have your number." "Um...yes" "Okay thanks!" A few minutes later I get a text

Josh: Hey Lacey its Josh, I don't know if you want to but if you want, call me back when your free.

I decided to call him back and he seemed like a cool guy. He's sweet and caring. We've been talking for SIX hours straight. We were just friends though right....right??

FUCKBOY (Geoff Wigington) Where stories live. Discover now