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Despite all those good thing, he also has some flaws...

1)Attitude Problems

He gets angry really quick everytime and that is really frustrating!

2)Very Messy

He always messes my house when he comes to stay or even recently, we went on a trip and the bungalow was so messy!

3)Loses things and blames me

He loses things all the time! But then guess what, he comes screaming at me! He calls me up and says i've lost my keys you took them! And I'm like sure mate coz we are in the same house right now!

4)Blanks out

Whilst i'm talking to him he blanks out. Half of the time i feel as if i'm speaking to a brick wall!! I end up having to repeat my self 50 billion times!!

Now let me guess, you guys are questioning as to why i am still friends with an annoying robot!

Three Guys, One GirlWhere stories live. Discover now