After School

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Jasmine: This so so peaceful.

Joe: I'm glad we came here.

Curled up in his arms, there was nothing else I would rather do than be here with him...


Oh hi guys! Sorry about that I guess I got so carried away by my surroundings.

So, I'm on a flippen date with Joe!! I can't believe it! It's just great! It is so peaceful amd quiet. And where we are, is so romantic.

So I met up with ma friends! We were shopping for ages ' til this happend....

Jasmine: I like this outfit guys it is so pretty.

Jasmine: I like this outfit guys it is so pretty

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Eilis: It is great!

Phoebe: Just buy it now and put it on!

Jasmine: OK!

Few momments later...

Jasmine: How do I look?

Eilis: *Gasps* You look absolutely stunning.

Phoebe: It's beautiful.

The loud ringing of my phone prevented me from communicating with my friends. I went out of the shop and answered the call.

Jasmine: Hello?

Joe: Hey Jasmine... I wanted to..umm..ask you something.

Jasmine: Oh hey Joe! Sure, what's up?

Joe: Well...I was thinking..maybe..just maybe...if you wanted to go on a date with me?

I was left jaw. dropped. The moment those words flung out, I was left shocked.

Jasmine: A date? With me? Really?

Joe: *Sigh* So that's a no?

Jasmine: It's a yes! When

Joe: Now!;)

Jasmine: What!?

Joe: Well you're like 1 road away from me so yeah. Look straight.

I lifted my head up and noticed that sitting on the bench was this young, handsome guy named Joe talking on the phone and asking out the girls who's had a crush on him since ages.

Jasmine: I'll be there in 5 minutes!

Joe: See you in a bit.

*End call*

Thoughts raced through my head the minutes I ended the call. Will I be good enough? What do I do? Do I look okay.

I rushed into the shop and told the girls what had happened.

Jasmine: So help coz now, we are going on a date!!

Eilis: WHAT!?

Phoebe: OMG!!

Jasmine: No time to loose, help!

They both rushed to teach me the basics and everything I need to do.

I walked out the door and looked over the corner and the bench to notice Joe standing there staring at his sneakers waiting eagerly for me.

Quickly, my heart beat and my arms shake. I slowly walked over to Joe.

He turned his head around to look at me and fazed into my eyes. I nervously walked up to him and greeted him whilst looking down at the ground.

"Your outfit is beautiful".

They were the only words that came out of his mouth. His breath bounced against my chest and as I took his words in, I blushed a little; causing my cheeks to become a cherry red color.

"You look great too".

I finly spoke after moments of blushing.

He told me that he is going to take me somewhere. Somewhere special. Very special.

Carefully, he gripped my hand and we walked for only 5 minutes.

His hands were so soft and his grip was so gentle. The ocean blue eyes that looked into mine every 3 seconds were intimidating but cute. Mint green sneakers making contact with my light gray converses caused me to let out a smile. The wind made my hair brush against his shoulders and make him remove it ever so gently. His touch was so warm that I never wanted him to let me go.

We finally got to a stop when we reached a gorgeous, quiet spot in a park. There was a fountain with crystal clear water. And a tasty looking picnic set up.

Jasmine: Ohh!! Joe! You didn't have to do this.

Joe: Yes I did.
Back to the present

We were sitting there enjoying the view in complete silence. The food was so yummy. We got up and walked towards the fountain.

Joe: This place means a lot to me

Jasmine: Why?

Joe: When I was 7 my dad always brought me here. I would always do fun things and play.  It was beautiful. I told him that one day, I will bring the girl of my dreams here.

Jasmine: Aww!! That's so sweet!

Joe: And now, that dream of mine has been accomplished.

He started and me and held my hand telling me that he hopes that one day, his children will be able to come here. That one day, he will get married. Here. Everything will happen here because of the great scenery. It brings you happiness when you're down.

He told me about his future family. His wife. His ideal wife.

That she is going to have beautiful brown eyes, a great smile. She is going to wear diamond jewelry. I'm gonna take her to Paris. The city of Love. We will gaze into the night and enjoy a romantic dinner together. The food will look as lovely as her.

The whole day passed and unfortunately, the night wanted us to sleep.  He gave me a ride home and when we gave each other our farewells, we also exchanged numbers. I went into my house and ran up to my room. I got changed and dropped myself into my bed. I cuddled myself into the blanket-which I would've loved more if it was Joe- and text Eilis and Phoebe all the deets then fell into a deep deep sleep.

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