Friends or more?

29 7 4

I woke up this morning with 100+messages. All off Eilis and Phoebe. Ooo I also got some from Joe!!

Unread messages on Besties Group

sent at 1:03am from Eilis

sent at 1:05am from Phoebe

sent at 1:06am from Phoebe

o.O!!! Ooo!! Someone Loves someone!!!
sent at 1:07am from Eilis

Jasmine and Joe sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!
sent at 1:09am from Phoebe

Ugh this girl is never gonna reply!!!
sent at 1:10am from Eilis

Missed call from Eilis
Missed call from Phoebe
Missed call from Phoebe
Misses call from Eilis

Missed call from Eilis
Missed call from Phoebe
Missed call from Phoebe
Misses call from Eilis

Missed call from Eilis
Missed call from Phoebe
Missed call from Phoebe
Misses call from Eilis

Missed call from Eilis
Missed call from Phoebe
Missed call from Phoebe
Misses call from Eilis

   Hey guys!!! Sozzz I am a human so I had to sleep!!! I will tell you everything at lunch!! Got to get ready now!!
sent at 8:20am

5 new messages from ♥Joe♥

Hey Jasmine! I had a great time today! Hope you did too!

Love Joe

Hey Joe!! I had a great time! Glad you did too!! See you at work tomorrow!

1 unread message from Joe

See you soon!

Love Joe


I then finally got of my phone and had only 10 minutes 'til I had to leave the house so I quickly had a shower and got dressed up then grabbed a snack bar and ran out the house rushing to school. I made it just in time because as soon as I got into class, the bell rang. Lucky me!!

I walked into the classroom and noticed James sitting in the back of the room and I couldn't stop but thinking about how hot he looked. Stop! I can't think like this! He's my friend not my boyfriend! My thoughts were interrupted by James's loud call. I went to sit by him but as I did, I noticed Eilis come in. She called me over but the sign I gave her was quite evident to show that James called me too. I sat by him and he asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema with him. I had no idea what to say so I just answered sure!

The teacher came in the class room and announced that we have an assignment where we need to work in pairs. I knew that this was a great opportunity for me to be with James. The teacher told us that we need to make sure that within the pair, one person is good at designs and making things look really pretty and that the other person is good at researching information that is important. She informed us that ww have to research about Propaganda: The Russian Revolution. I turned to look at James but when I had, I was in for a surprise. I already saw him with a big a3 paper out laying flat on the desk and him writing down my name and his name with what we are doing underneath.

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