Back to school

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So, I'm going back to school today and James will be there! I am going to see him after a month so it is really exciting!!

At school:

Me: Hey James what's up?

James: Hey Jasmine! The sky!haha soz.. How are you?

Me: Ehh... How was your holiday?

James: It was great! I met lots of people and it was really hot!

Me: Well duh... It was Hawaii!

James: Bad thing was though my hotel room became really messy and I had to tidy it or else I would have been fined £150!

Me: Haha! Anyway, mine was boring! There was no one to talk to other than John! And that too, it was over text so I was just at home all holiday! How great!

James: ha!

Just then, the bell rang and we both walked together towards our classroom. Gazing into my phone, I hardly remembered that I had homework for next lesson.

Me: Aghhh! Oh god!!!

James: Woah there! What happened to you.

He stood there staring at me with a confused face.

Me: I have homework due for first period and I haven't bought it it!!

James: *gasp, scared face* oh o your dead!

Me: Yeah I think I can tell!

Throughout the whole of form time, I was just wondering how I was going to tell my teacher that I don't have the homework.

Ding!!!! The bell rang and left me to shake from fear.

As I walked into the classroom, my fear rose and I started sweating. I sat down on a chair next to James and looked at the teacher. Frightened, I raised my arm and asked about the homework.

Me: Miss, is the homework due today?

I know, I know. Your probably thinking that I just shouldn't of mentioned it and I would have been fine. But I am a honest student so I don't lie to teachers.

Miss Tarn: The homework is due next lesson. In other words, tomorrow.

Me: OK, thank you Miss.

I sighed in relief and my fear disappeared.

James: You got lucky girl!

Me: I know right!

Before I knew it, it was lunch time.
First, second and third period were over now so all that was left was P.E and D.T. My two worst subjects!

At lunch, me and James were sitting on table 3 with Eilis and Phoebe(my friends) and Dan and Jack (James's friends).

We spent lunch time chatting ams eating.

Me: Girls, do you wanna meet up after school today and go shopping? I have barely any clothes; there all getting small!

*Eilis and Pheobe: Sure, why not!

*pronounced Alish (it is an Irish name)

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