Chapter 9 - The Goldstein Sisters

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The sky was slowly darkening as they apparated into a small side street and the stars were beginning to show themselves. Tina was doing her best to help carry Jacob along as they made their way to wherever she was taking them and Newt was looking around at the world curiously behind them. Octavia decided that it would be best if she remained at the back of the group, as much as she would have liked to talk to Newt, it would have been awkward, they hadn't seen each other in thirteen years.

"Take a right here." Tina almost commanded and they rounded a corner, before stopping at one end of the street behind a large repair truck. "Okay- Before we go in- I'm not suppose to have men on the premises."

Newt cleared his throat awkwardly, "In that case," he said. "Mr Kowalski and I can easily seek other accomodation."

"Oh no you don't!" Snapped Tina and she grabbed Jacob by the arm, and they all followed her into an apartment building.

They walked up the stairs in silence but had only made the first landing when they were stopped by the voice of a woman on the ground floor. "That you, Tina?"

"Yes, Mrs Esposito."

"Are you alone?"

"I'm always alone, Mrs Esposito." Tina replied and then they quickly made their way into her apartment.

The Goldstein apartment was alive with magic, the iron was doing its on thing in a corner and clothes on a line were revolving midair in front of the fire. Jacob was first to entered but paused in the middle thunderstruck with awe, Newt hastily moved towards the back window, staring out of it impatiently. Octavia closed the door behind them and waited there awkwardly. Tina was already bustling about trying to clean things but everyone's attention was caught by the beautiful tones of her sister.

"Teenie, you brought men home." She smiled cheekily half hidden behind the door frame.

"Gentleman," Tina began to address Newt and Jacob. "This is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?"

"Oh, sure." She said, unconcerned, and waved her wand so that the dress she was repairing slid onto her figure. "So, who are they?" She asked her sister.

"That's Mr Scarmander, he's committed a serious infraction in the National Statute of Secrecy-"

"They're criminals?" Queenie looked impressed rather than put off.

"And this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj-"

"A No-Maj?" Queenie's voice filled with some concern as she turned to her sister. "Teen, what are you up to?"

"He's sick- It's a long story- Mr Scarmander has lost something, and I am going to help him find it." Tina replied in the midst of her tidying.

It seemed throughout the entirety of the evening it was as though Newt and Octavia weren't even there. Queenie fussed over Jacob, and then eventually caught Newt's attention as a Legilimens. Luckily, she could not read the minds of Newt and Octavia, as apparently the British accent was too difficult to decipher. The Goldstein sisters then put on a lovely display of household magic as they began to set the table for dinner and cook a meal. Jacob, staggered towards the table both fascinated and terrified. Octavia had moved from the door to the table, unsure of whether she'd be allowed to stay for dinner. It smelt wonderful.

"Hey, Mr Scarmander, you prefer pie or strudel?" Queenie asked.

Octavia turned to look at Newt, who embarrassed, removed his hand from the doorknob. "I really don't have a preference-" he said awkwardly.

"Octavia?" Queenie then redirected her question.

"Uh... Whatever's not too much trouble..." she too replied awkwardly but grateful that she was allowed to stay for dinner.

Queenie then turned to Jacob, who was excitedly tucking a napkin into his shirt. "Now you prefer strudel don't you? Strudel it is." And with multiple flicks of her wand she had assembled a gorgeous looking strudel, floating down to sit upon the table.

Jacob leaned forward so as to smell the cooking and his expression was filled with deep joy. As everyone began to sit down for dinner, Jacob already into his potatoes, Octavia had drawn up another chair with her wand from the air, and sat awkwardly on the corner of the table. Tina was putting away her wand, when a quick headcount of the table told her that someone wasn't there.

"Well, sit down Mr Scarmander, we're not going to poison you."

Newt, who was still hovering by the door, looked somewhat charmed by the situation. After receiving a look from Jacob, he sat down at the end of the table opposite Tina, and next to Octavia's corner. Jacob was already eating, much to Queenie's delight, savouring every mouthful of the beautiful witch's superb cooking.

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