"Nice bun, princess!"

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Louis: 18

Harry: 16

Niall: 14


Harry loved fashion. He could spend hours looking at different clothes in shops and websites, and he loved watching fashion shows on youtube. He had a Twitter account where he followed only models and designers, and reviewed their clothes and styles. He didn't have a lot of followers, it was just for fun.

When he was little, he did like to dress like a girl. Now that he was a teenager, his style had changed a few times, and it was unique. He was bold, and colorful. He liked tight pants and big expensive shirts and sweaters. In fact, all of his money went to buying more clothes. He didn't have a lot of really expensive clothes, but he was getting there. He also loved going to little hand me down shops downtown and buying special items he could transform or find a way to wear.

Since he was little, Harry had enjoyed drawing, it was his very first passion. Having a world-famous artist as a father also helped, and he was definitely encouraged. When he turned 12, Zayn put together a desk in the art room just for him, because he loved canvases, but Harry was more into watercolor and pencil drawing. It was one of his favorite birthday presents.

Harry found heaven when he started drawing his own models and clothes. He combined his two passions to create outfits and trends. He could spend hours in class doodling different shirts, skirts and suits. After school he went home and put his doodles into proper designs. Harry could spend hours down there, with some good music, lost in his drawings. He never let anyone see them, except for Zayn, who often helped him and guided him. He didn't want to do anything special with those designs yet, it was just a way to pass time.


"God, Harry, are you sure you want to spend all of your savings in these boots?" Liam asked, double checking the prize in the family iPad Harry used for his shopping all the time.

"Yeah, they're good, dad. Good is expensive." Harry said.

"But... what are you going to do with them, wear them to school?" His father answered, still not convinced.

"What else am I supposed to do? Frame them and hang them in my wall?"

"I don't know, Harry. What if someone steals them when you have P.E.? They could afford a good mobile phone with them!" Liam insisted. Harry didn't even try to explain to his dad that he didn't even have P.E anymore, but he knew the man would rant about the importance of exercise for the body and soul, and all that stuff.

"Dad, seriously. The people in school who can tell Yves Saint Laurent from Walmart are my friends. Look, Niall!" Harry said to his brother, who was sitting on the sofa. Niall turned around to look at him.

"How much do you think this is?" He said, showing the picture of the boots to his brother, and putting a finger over the price. Niall shrugged. "I don't know... like, 60... or 80 pounds?" He guessed. Harry grinned at Liam, having proved his point.

"Alright, fine. It's your money, after all." He said.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harry screamed. He had wanted those boots since he saw them in the store's website two months ago, and he had been saving money just for that. His "uncle" Ed usually got him very expensive stuff, since he had a lot of money and everything, but the things he earned by himself were more valuable for him. He couldn't wait to wear them to school.

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