"He needs help. We are going to get him help."

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Warning: this is kind of sad, and it involves a lot of crying, anxiety and a slight panic attack.

Louis: 12

Harry: 10

Niall: 8


It was no lie that Zayn liked expressing his emotions through his art. That's why he was so good. One could look at his artwork and feel the emotion: get happy, nostalgic, energetic... At the moment, it was a mix of anger and sadness. Dark blue colors, angry splashes, and more than one broken canvas.

Zayn was standing in the art room, in front of a new canvas. It was already completely covered in black, and blue, and purple. The mix was beautiful, but sad. Zayn took one look at Louis before he bit his lip and carefully dipped his brush in the can of black paint.

Louis was suffering. Louis was laying on the floor, asleep. He had dragged his duvet all the way downstairs from his bedroom to the art room, and he had fallen asleep right there on the floor. His face showed pain and fright.

Louis was going through the roughest time of his life. It had started the last week of school, when Zayn and Liam had to pick him up early every single day, because he cried for them and there was no way to calm him down. The nightmares were back, but this time it was worse. Louis woke up screaming every day, making himself sick at least once a week, and wetting the bed. He ended up sleeping in his fathers' bed every single night. In fact, he hadn't slept a full night in his bed for the entire summer. It seemed like whenever he wasn't with one of his fathers, he panicked.

Zayn looked at his oldest son, looking frail and small. Harry was almost taller than him, even though Louis was older. The twelve year old had tear tracks on his cheeks, and he was laying on the floor on his side. He had stopped taking naps even before they adopted him, but he barely slept at nights, and he was tired during the day. That's why he was asleep now, right after having lunch.

<<"Zayn, I'm going to get Harry and Niall out of here this afternoon." Liam had said, dryly. They were, again, in the middle of an argument. However, Zayn understood why Liam had said that. Louis had been crying the entire morning, and he'd barely eaten lunch, since he couldn't stop crying. Zayn understood why Liam  wanted Harry and Niall to get out of the house, and away from the negativity.

"Alright, I'll stay with him" Zayn agreed.

"Get him to sleep. And don't be hard on him." Liam reminded his husband. "I mean it. Don't get angry. Let him be sad!"

"Liam, he's been sad for almost three months..."

"I don't want to do this now, Zayn. I'm going out with Haz and Ni. See you later."

Zayn watched as Liam guided the two youngest to the car, and sighed. Louis was sitting on the sofa, looking at him, scared and tired.

"Lou, babe, why don't you go upstairs and have a short nap-"

"No, no, no!" Louis said, shaking his head violently.

"Come on, Lou, baby. Just a short nap. It's only a few minutes. You must be tired, love. You didn't sleep a lot last night."

"No!" He repeated, now sobbing again. Zayn knew he just didn't want to be alone. He either closed his bedroom door and hid from everyone for an entire afternoon, or refused to leave their side a single second. There was no in between.

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