For Christmas

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For Christmas I don't wanna give rapped gifts but libs that lift looking in a snowy morning so our minds drift debt so deep it's like you already at the bottom of the cliff so let's go back to the past and find ourselves and hit biff with that quick swift so we set down that taylor made stop funding the Macy's day parade and start a new decade with no blockades and save the day so we don't think life is just another shade of grey for wanting is the only reason why we pray but we always prey on santas slay this imaginary grey who has a special day but give it a day and it all fades like wade we're all married to a union and these banks we all think they're institutions but like jail it's the same conclusion with same confusion so let's start this movement speak out words like tim Allen before home improvement whoops that was just improv because I can't land this job so I'm always taking a lob I hope you all can bob cuz I'm going over you like tron trying to get on prime time before it's my time but the words just fallout like I'm 21 all choked out when my brain just wants to shout out and remove all these rappers that are coced out and make my mama so proud...

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