Chill Out

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This ecstatic erratic of the automatic disbandment of a Hispanic due to an imagination of this tragic identification that's lacking why is the sky blue why is freedom green always on the run we need some intoxicating promethazine not quotes from an uneducated magazine with the same non magna theme we need to stray away from the white dominator erase the line of this common denominator there is no equation just piss poor demonstrators eliminate these minority haters who are only looking for cheap labors the missed mark for thou shalt love thy neighbors humanity shouldn't be defined by papers yet we branch out to our fore fathers who were land takers and murderous quakers now we own millions of acres and filled it with sheep with protection that's unforsaken eating leaves from money rakers and dope bakers we drew a line in the sand made by greedy fornicaters who's supposed to be commanders but more like dictators they need to chill out and actually do some favors...

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