I Should've Lied

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I was in the criminal field stood in front of the man swerved the hook they couldn't reel told me they'd make it all evaporate take a name and elaborate response with a negative no exaggerate looked me in the eye with hate yelling max incarcerate judgement set for date next guy a formal tweety bird sung like a canaries verb with a voice like a fairy lurks others careers insight with blurry dirt absurd storybook words that wouldn't make past the courtroom clerks but he had Moore on his side looking like a war on pride just to poor on crime just remember it's an oily slide it's the downward slope you'll glide a pointed finger im the guy fraud they tried it's all fog on mind feeling cloudy with a chance of Clyde set so deep inside sometimes I wished I died no one by my side where's my ride death by green weenie creampied motivation fried I should've just lied...

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