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10 minutes before the accident...

Singing loudly with my radio, I jam out with my favorite lyrics;

"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them no, 'cause II've been here all night
I've been here all day..."

The hood off my jeep letting my long brown hair flow withing the quarreling winds, a perfect sunny day being spent at the beach is the best. As I head down the road of the cliff side to meet my boyfriend (2 years in counting :D) and some friends. 

"I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side"

Singing along with the music I start to think about what a life i've had. 

*In Rains Thoughts*

I have been so privileged. even since birth. Being born in a cute little town in Arizona, then getting to move to a wonderful place in Cali. Having parents who make a fortune in the Law Industry, then having a perfect family to follow, Perfect boyfriend, perfect body, perfect car, just a perfect life in general. Not a thing could ruin that. 

*Leaving Rains Thoughts*

I cruise down the side of the mountain and let the commercials play through, 


Then after that slight breakdown from hearing the O'Rileys commercial for the 50th damn time I turn up to I Feel It Coming  ((This song is the shit))

 " Tell me what you really like
Baby I can take my time
We don't ever have to fight
Just take it step-by-step
I can see it in your eyes
'Cause they never tell me lies
I can feel that body shake
And the heat between your legs  "

As I do me, I lose myself in the lyrics. Bopping my head with the beat then slowly dancing and closing my eyes. Taking in the intoxicating words, I love music so much. Any song can bring you to a whole new world as if they are little teleportation devices and you can get lost in the world/ Having it hit you in different ways. 

*Song Ends*

I continue to jam out the song and pretend to be hosting a mini concert while breaking it down. I lose myself once again and break into my weekend character, pretending to be him on stage and showing my fans all the love, while staying promisingly seductive. I sing the same song for minutes on end, making mini remixes and such.

*3 Minutes Till Accident*

I all of the sudden break focus of my concert to the road when I hear a booming horn roaring at me and my car. When I suddenly realize that i was in the left lane and not the right. I panic and swerve to the right, probably the biggest mistake of my life. As I break the metal barrier I roll down the steep cliff. Tossing, turning, flipping, I lose my continence. 

I am abruptly awoke by something hurting my face. My eyes open slowly as a bright light is flashed in my face and the sensation in my face continues. I can't hear anything but my own thoughts at the moment and I was extremely frightened. I have the lights moving around my eyes as it is very bothersome to me. I try to swipe it away but I seemingly can't move any part of my body other than my eyes. I panic even more and my heart beat begins to speed up. I now ca hear my own heart bursting through my ears. It is now the only thing i can hear, it's even blurring out the sounds of my own thoughts. 

As I am soon hurled up into some sort of ambulance I notice my car and all the wreak edge. Slowly remembering everything that has happened, my heart still broadcasting its beat into my ears it goes even faster and I once again fade into silence and darkness. 

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