What Happened...

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Little writers note :P 

-Your name is Rain    -Your 18    -Have a BF named Jack and have been together for 2 years

( and yes this is a Grayson Dolan thingie, just you wait >:3 )

have fun reading ^_^

I wake up from a hard slumber to see that i'm in some kind of care taking room. I really don't know what it is, I don't even know what has happened. I try to rememeber something but it all seems to be a really big blur, and this blur hurts my head. 

After an hour or so of sitting in my bed in confusion a lady comes in. She greets me with a warm smile and says "Oh your finally awake "

I look at her in complete confusion "what do you mean finally awake?"

She looks at me with concern in her eyes as she says "you have been sleeping for a a couple days now, after you crash."

I am completely lost and have no idea what she means by crash, Ima just roll with it and find out where I am. She continued to check the machines and then was about to leave the room when I blurted out "where am I?" She looks at me and says "Your in the hospital silly" I looked at her slightly annoyed with her sarcasm and reply "I know that, but where am I actually? I truly have no idea where I am" she looks at me as if I was a ghost then rushed out of the room stopping someone and pointing at me as I wave slightly confused. I can't hear them so I really don't know what's going on out there but I hope nothing crazy happens.

The nurse walks away and then a group of people walk into my room, I have no idea whom they are but when I try to think of who the hell they were. One of them looked really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. All of the sudden one guy that looked really familiar runs up to me in a panic hugging me. 

"I'm so happy your ok babe, I thought you had died on me!" He said with so much hurt in his voice.

I had no clue who he was... actually I don't know anyone here, I don't even remember anyone at all. 

I hesitated to respond and politely said "um I'm sorry but who are you? Actually who are any of you guys?" 

He looked at me as if I killed his dog and laughed at him as he says, " what the hell do you mean, 'who are you?' Acting all innocent?? If this is a joke it's not funny Rain, come on give your boyfriend a hug." He opens his arms and I look at him so lost. 

"Who's Rain? And I don't remember having a boyfriend?" 

I thought I wasn't going to die from the harsh stare he had. 

" I'm your fucking boyfriend! If this is how your going to break up with me that's a pretty fucked up way to do it you bitch!"

That word  bitch   It hurt me to hear such a disgusting word. Most of all referring to me I felt slightly pained by those words. 

He pushed a chair over and walked out of the room. The older couple that also came looked at me as if I was some ghost like he did. The woman said softly "honey do you know me?" I looked down and felt terrible for saying this, " I'm sorry mam but I have no idea whom you are.. also who was that boy?" 

She looks so sad as she replys "that was your boyfriend, josh . But you seemingly have no idea who he is, but if you do and that's how your breaking up with him that's kinda screwed up honey. Also we're your  parents. Rain do you remember anything?" 

I started at her with the more straight face ever saying "no mam" 

She looked at me and her eyes begun to swell up, the man next to her started rubbing her back as they walked out of the room. 

They left the chair on the floor. Thanks guys. 

I sat there in complete confusion and then slowly drifted to sleep 

"Maybe it was just a bad dream and everything will come back by tomorrow"

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