I Need Jesus...

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It's 6:00 already and I thrown on a comfy pajama t-shirt dress. : picture above :I was rummaging through all my clothing for like an hour. Then threw my hair into a cute messy bun. I can't believe I'm really going through with this. I met this guy, kissed him, got his number, and now im getting a booty call?!? Everything is moving so fast. I just want everything to slow down and calm themselves. Maybe instead of him having sex with me maybe we could talk for a bit. Have a good cup of coffee and sandwiches. Ya that sounds nice, maybe watch a couple chick flicks or even a couple action movies. 

As I continue to panic and hear my phone go off and I look at it seeing that Grayson texted me again.


Hey babe can I come early? So we can actually watch a movie or two? 

WoW. He actually wants to hang out, that's sweet. 

lol Ok, what time will you be here? 

10 mins work? 

Oh, sure it works 

10 MINUTES JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IMA DIE IMA DIE HES GOING TO BE HERE SO SOON! As I once again continue to go mad I look at my wall and see a little painting that has a quote saying "Do stupid, crazy, ridiculous things. Because life is to short to think twice and regret it later."

- Rain 2015  

Wow. I wrote such an inspirational quote. I guess I should listen to my 2015 self and just do something crazy! I search through all my cabinets looking for something we can eat. I found a box of popcorn bags. I throw one into the the mircrowave and wait for it to finsh, while I was searching I had saw some bigger sized bowls and so I went into that cabinet and grabbed a large baby blue bowl. The popcorn had finished and I threw it into the bowl. I grabbed the bowl and put it on the coffee table in front of the coach. I popped a squat and grabbed the remote turning on the tv. I opened up Netflix and started searching for something we could watch together. Then I heard a knock. It was him. I got up and walked to the door opening it to see him. The one and only Grayson.

Grayson smiles at me with his perfect teeth. Uhg he makes my heart go on rapid fire when I see him. 

I wave to him all unfortable like the weirdo I am. 

"Um hey Grayson, I'm guessing you wanna come in." I laugh once again uncomfortably 

He looks at me and says "well I would hope so, I don't think you would want to have se-" 

I covered his mouth before he could finish that sentence giving him a look pretty much saying, no no mister. He got he memo and licked my hand to get it off.


"Oh babe we all know you liked it" winking at me sudectivly 

I start to walk away as he closes the door and locks it. Then all of the sudden I felt someone grab my legs and then I see Grayson picking me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing special just carrying my princess to the couch." Smirking at me

Damn he has to be made my the gods on how perfectly smooth he is. 

I nuzzled my head into his chest and we walk to the living room. He took a little bit cause he didn't know the layout of the house. Once we reached the living room he put me down and grabbed a handful of popcorn eating it.


He starts laughing while inhaling the popcorn. 

"Sorry princess but you don't have a choice in the matter, most of all I'm the guest shouldn't I get to choose what I eat?"

Amnesia ● g.d ●Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat