Netflix and Hang Out...

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We just sat there for hours on end. Talking, flirting, laughing, just getting to know each other. Not having forgetting sex, or trying to get in the other persons pants. We were being normal people. I really did enjoy Grayson there, I was really happy he wasn't some man hoe like he seemed to be. He wanted something stable and we were forming it very slowly. Grayson went home and we still would text about the most random things.

2 Months Later 

( sorry about the small time skip I don't think you want nothing cool to happen and be bored out of your mind when all they do is watch Netflix and cuddle.)

Grayson and I are eating at Wok Box (wok box is a cute little food place in Arizona but we're going to pretend it's in Cali for this cause wok box is fucking life) I was eating Pad Thai, while Grayson was eating some giant bowl of Kung Pao Shrimp. That thing was bigger than my head. He ate his food like he was a barbarian. I ate like a little princess, and he was my beast. Ok that was a cute way to put it :))) 

"Babe how's your food?" He looks at me like a little puppy and has a green onion on his nose.

"It's fantastic babe." I give him a cheesy smile grabbing the onion off his nose and eating it. Making a sour face from the odd taste. 

"That was adorable!" He says laughing historically 

"How??" I say in confusion and fustration 

"Your face was all crunched up and shit." He shows me with his face and I notice how cute it was. 

"Your such a weirdo" I say laughing 

We ate our food in peace. I finished my small plate in the amount of time it took him to eat his meal. I felt like a small child next to him. He's 6'2"' and I'm a little 5'5" teenage girl. He got up to grab my plate and I stopped him. I grabbed mine and we grabbed our stuff at the same time. Putting our plates above he trashcan, we head out. He puts his arm around me and looks down at me. I smile at him and then close my eyes sticking my tongue out. He does the same thing back. But when he didn't it to me I leaned up and kissed him. He was taken back at first but adjusted quickly. It was a nice kiss, it was perfect for the mood of the day. It was 80°F here and that's ideal weather in Cali. We stopped kissing after about 10 seconds because we could feel he peoples stares as the put holes into our bodies from there jealousy. We hold hands and walk back to his Jeep. We both hopped in and he took me home. We wanted to do another cuddling day of Netflix. 

We got to my house and headed up. I heard my phone go off and I grabbed it out of my pocket. 

To see it say 'Mom💎'

"Hey Bimbo can you give me a minute, I'm getting a call; just head up to my apartment and I'll meet you up there." I hold the keys to my apartment in my hand trying to give him the keys.

"Alright babe." He kissed my cheek and went to the elevator.

I looked at my phone and slid to answer. 

I felt uncomfortable to speak but said "H-Hello"

"Um hi Rain." She sounded very nervous to speak to me

"How are you?" I asked softly 

"I'm doing great, I actually called to ask about how you were doing." She said with a big of emphasis 

"I'm doing really good, I met this wonderful guy and we've been going out latley." I said happily 

"Oh that's great honey... um I have a question, would you like to come over for dinner and we could talk a bit. I understand you can't remember us so how about we make new memories." she said plainly 

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