Bad Memories Bring Bad Dreams...

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"What the hell are you doing Grayson!" I yell as I see him kissing another girl. 

"Oh hey 'babe' I was just helping this girl right here chew her gum, nothing special." He says smirking to me. 

"You were obviously making out with her! I thought I was your girlfriend!" I say tearing up emensly.

"Oh you were my girlfriend. But I just feel so tied down with having a girlfriend, ya know?" He says in an annoyed tone. 

"NO I DONT KNOW! BECAUSE I THOUGHT WE HAD SOME-" I hear beeping that starts hurting my ears as if they are bleeding."

I wake up in a panic. As my alarm rings throughout my room. 

"It was just a dream...." I say slamming my hand onto the alarm. 

Noticing that I'm back home after a yesterday and going camping. I hear someone grumble in annoyance 

"Uuuuuuhhhhgggg do we have to go to school." says Grayson while his voice is muffled from the pillow that is inhaling him

I laugh at him and rub his back saying "yes we do bimbo." As I keep that dream in the back of my head. 


We grew some clothes on and went out the door.

"Oh Grayson I forgot to ask, when did we get home?" 

"In the morning I packet everything up and put everything in the truck, then came back and got you while you slept in the tent. You just kept sleeping so I brought you home and we slept in the bed." He says while getting in the car. 

I jump into the car and we make our way to the hell hole they call school. 

I go over that dream over and over again. Becoming more scared if that dream was a sign or something. 

Grayson doesn't seem like someone who would do that right. He's so loyal, but I thought Mathew was loyal and that didn't go my way..

I continue to honk and space out when Grayson snaps me back to earth. 

"hey do you want to go to Starbucks before we get to school?" He asks without looking away from the road. 

"Is that really a question? You know I love startbucks!" 

He laughs and nods, switching lanes and heading towards the closest Starbucks 


As we walk through the halls of our school people stare at us. I hadn't been back at school for a couple of days because I didn't want to show up, and also my accident. Getting dirty stares and gossip roaming throughout the halls, I become more and more unhappy at the school I attended. I held Grayson's hand and constantly thought, he is loyal, he is loyal, he is loyal, trying tot get that dream out of my head. He won't hurt me, he won't hurt me, he isn't a Mathew, he loves me and I love him. 


At lunch we decided to ditch school cause both of us were just having a bad day. 

"Where do you want to go?" As we walk out of the school 

"You can choose, I'll just go with whatever you want." I say casually 

"Welp to the cafe it is." He says all happy, he loves his coffee.


We get to the shop and I really had to pee, 

"Hey Grayson can you just get me a peppermint mocha frappe? I really need to pee! " I say spin the potty dance.

Giggling at me he nods and I rush to the bathroom, after I do my business I walk out to see the cashier flirting with him. Uhg I hate when girls do that, I Know she doesn't know that he has a girlfriend but still it hurts to see other girls go after him. He is smiling at her so cutely. Uhg I don't deserve Grayson, he is so perfect to everyone even though he is a bit of a ditz. She's so pretty, they would be a perfect couple. Maybe Grayson and I should break up so he can be with someone prettier than me. I'm the school loser while he's a jock. She looks like a cheerleader while I'm just a ugly brick. 

He turns to see me as I stand there liking depressed, when he looks I stiffen up with a straight face and walk towards him. 

"Heyo" I say waving 

He puts his arm out to put around me and I snuggle muyself into his body. The cashier looks at me with envy. How could Grayson be with someone like me I though. 

She makes our drinks and we grab them and he's to a table. As I look t Grayson's drink I see 

/ Call me if you want to drop that ugly girl that's with you! 520-***-****/ I look at the cup and look down, ignoring what I just read. Grayson was sitting acrods from me as he notices the look on my face. 

He grabs his cup and looks around on it. Damn have I done it now, I should've just acted like I never saw it. He sees the writing and reads it. He puts his cup down and says "MY GIRLFRIEND IS SO PERFECT TO ME! SHE DEALS WITH MY BAD HABITS AND STILL LOVE ME! I LOVE DRESSING UP AS A GIRL WHEN WE ARE AT HOME! AND WHEN WE KISS I PUT ON BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK TO SEDUCE HER! YES I KNOW ITS WEIRD BUT SHE STILL LOVES ME! And she is so perfect I never could ask for better!"

Everyone in the cafe stared at him and the cashier looks at him with tons of disgust towards him. I held in my laugh and Grayson is still standing. He grabs his cup and my hand and we walk out. 

"OMG GRAYSON THAT WAS SO FUNNY! BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK TO SEDUCE ME!" I was laughing so hard my sides begun to hurt.

Grayson's POV 

Man was she perfect. Her laugh, her smile, her everything. God I never thought someone this wonderful couldve ever fallen for me. I just can't wait for my dad to get out of the hospital and meet her. Only a couple more days and he should be released. He's going to make it through I know he will, because I want him to meet her properly and for him to see how much I love her. 


Rains POV 

We head to the car and go to my apartment, we wanted to just snuggle up and watch movies. 

I fell asleep in the car on our way back, and I begun to dream. 

-- Rains Dream --

I hear nothing but my heart beat. 

Then I hear steps. 

Now I hear laughing. 

When everything appears. 

Grayson was kissing the cashier. Right in front of my eyes. She was pulling his hair and he was all over her face. 

My heart beat began to speed up. And then we appear in a room. To see Grayson in his boxers and the girl in her undergarments.

"Oh come on babe, have a threesome with us!" He says winking at me 

I look at myself to see I'm completely naked. Then to look back up and see Grayson laying down in a bed full of models. They were so perfect, there body's like an hour glass, perfect makeup, perfect everything. 

Then I see Mathew. Staring at me with a girl in his arms. "It's going to happen to you again Rain! No one loves you enough to stay with you! Just like me! I only wanted you for sex! And he is going to want you for the same reasons!!!"  And he disappeared with a bright white light shinning at me.

 I wake up in the car huffing and puffing to see Grayson look terrified at me 

"Are you ok?!? " he says looking at me with tons of concern.

"Ya I-I'm fine just a bad dream." I say slowing down my breath. 

"Ok, I thought something might of  happened to you there. Don't scare me like that." He says looking at me with a loving smile. 

"Ya I'll try not to next time." I say putting my hand on my neck. 


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