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C H A P T E R  S I X

Olivia threw her phone on her bed. Why hadn't he called yet? It had been four weeks since they last spoke to each other. And she was tired of waiting.

She was in a cabin in the hills with her parents on vacation. It was a beautiful place, and she enjoyed exploring the forest nearby. The only damper on her mood was Harry.

They promised to keep in touch as she would be away for two months. And it worked in the beginning. He would call her every evening and fill her up with what was happening in town. He loved surfing, and had taken up a summer job to coach people on it. Olivia drooled thinking of the lovely tan he would get by spending the whole day on the beach.

After a while, his calls became shorter and less frequent. He seemed preoccupied with something, but he would not tell her what was on his mind. Then, he stopped calling her altogether. She tried calling his number but it would always be busy. It was exasperating and horrible.

Was he ignoring her on purpose? Had she said something offensive? Maybe the lack of proper network in the hills was the problem? She could not figure out why he was acting like this.

Olivia realized she sounded clingy, but Harry was everything to her. The lush forest reminded her of his deep, emerald eyes. The valleys reminded her of his dimples, that appeared when he smiled. Her hot chocolate reminded her of his brown curls. It was rather unhealthy, but she could not help it.

She had this premonition that her life was going to be different once she got back home, and not in a good way. She fervently wished to be wrong about her gut feeling this time, and brushed it off as mere paranoia. She was happy with what she had, and wanted everything to remain the way it was.

Little did she know that she was right.

Broken Promises, Shattered Heart |✓Where stories live. Discover now