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C H A P T E R  F O U R T E E N

Schoolwork was not a piece of cake if you were a senior. Olivia was tired after a long day that seemed to consist of endless lectures. Her dad had moved to Paris because of his work while her mom stayed with her. He wanted Olivia to go with him, but she was reluctant to leave the town behind.

There was just one more class to survive, and then there was the weekend to look forward to.

Physics invoked many yawns from her side. She had no interest in the subject, and barely managed to pass. She was on the verge of disappearing into her dream world, when she felt a sharp pain on her right foot.

"Ouch!" she cried, gaining the attention of the entire class. The teacher looked at her.

"Do you wish to contribute something to the lesson, Ms Barton?" she asked.

"No ma'am." Olivia muttered, cheeks turning red with shame. The teacher gave her a sharp look, and continued with the lesson.

She heard a snigger that came from her right. She glared at the source, a bright-eyed handsome boy. It became obvious to her that he stamped her foot.

"Why did you stamp me?" she enquired angrily.

"Well, you looked like you were about to pass out, and the teacher would have given you detention. I just saved you from getting punished." he said nonchalantly.

She felt guilty for snapping at him. Sure, he looked mischievous, but he had saved her from detention. She was about to apologise, and then realised that she did not know his name.

"I don't know your name." she told him sheepishly. He looked a little surprised, but grinned at her anyway.

"We have been sitting next to each other for months but you did not know my name? I'm offended." He said mockingly. She laughed at his expression. All of her time was spent thinking about Harry, so she never bothered with trivial things like paying attention to her surroundings.

"Olivia Barton, my name is Dean Brown." he included Olivia's name just to show that he had been paying attention while her head was in the clouds.

"So, Olivia, would you like to hang out later?" he asked casually but she could detect a hint of nervousness. She was uncertain in answering. After all, she was in the process of getting over her previous heartbreak, and although her condition was a lot better, she was still not whole.

But then, what was life if you were not willing to take a few risks?

Deciding to take a leap of faith in herself and a perfect stranger, she replied.

"Sure. So what is the plan?" 

Broken Promises, Shattered Heart |✓Where stories live. Discover now