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C H A P T E R  S I X T E E N

There are times when you feel like life cannot get worse, and you have suffered through so much. You hope that God is kind enough to cast a ray of sunshine into your life. For Olivia, it seemed that betrayal was never ending.

Dean was going to a party that day. She did not want to go, and she told him so. He agreed with her, saying it was not Olivia's scene, and asked her to take care. Recently, he had been behaving like an untamed wildling that went to parties regularly. She only saw him at school, and although she did not mind much, her intuition told her that something was amiss.

Tara had gone to her home. She wanted Olivia to go to a party with her.

 She was not a fan of parties, and on top of everything, Gabrielle was the host. She did not feel the burning fire of jealousy and intense envy when she saw her- it had dimmed down to slight resentment and resignation that she was meant to have Harry, not Olivia.  

"Come on. You haven't been to a party in ages. It will be fun. Besides, there is no guarantee that you will run into Elle or Harry. Moreover, Dean will get pleasantly surprised to see you there."

After a lot of persuasion, Olivia agreed. After all, what was the harm in going to a single party?

She got ready and drove to the party, singing along to crappy pop music in the car with Tara. When she reached Gabrielle's house, she let out a gasp. The party seemed to be huge, and in full flow. She was rather thankful, as this reduced her chances of running into people she did not want to meet.

For a while, she had a good time, swaying to the beat and drinking a few cans of beer. She was not a lightweight; she could handle a few strong drinks. The night took a different turn once she decided to find Dean. He was here for sure, and she had nothing better to do there.

She wove around drunken couples making out and silly girls giggling, when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around to face none other than Harry Badeaux.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly. The alcohol had muddled up her brain a little and all the resentment came pouring out.

"I was wondering if you had seen Elle?"

She scoffed. "Go find your precious girlfriend yourself. I'm searching for Dean."

He looked puzzled. "I heard that someone had seen those two talking. Let us search together. You find your beau, and I'll find my belle."

"Okay." She agreed reluctantly. He was offering help anyway. And what was Dean doing with Gabrielle? She had no clue that they even knew each other.

After half an hour of just searching, they had one room left- Elle's bedroom.

"I don't think they will be there. Maybe we just missed them. Let's go down." begged Harry with a pleading expression.

"Who knows? No harm in checking, right?" Olivia said and opened the door.

What they came upon was Dean and Gabrielle intensely making out, with Dean's shirt on the floor and Elle's bra exposed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" shouted Harry. Olivia said nothing.

"Who the- oh, Olivia." said Dean in a neutral voice.

"How long has this been going on?" asked Olivia quietly.

"Two months." replied Elle in a small voice. She looked apologetic, while Dean looked upset. Harry looked disturbed, hurt, enraged and confused.

"Elle? How could you?" he asked her, hoping that she had some explanation as to what she did. She hung her head in shame.

"Olivia, I'm so-"

"- Shut up, Dean. I don't care." she cut him off.

A laugh erupted from her. The others looked at her strangely, wondering if the grief had made her mad.

"I'm out of here." She laughed gaily. "I'm moving to Paris as soon as possible, maybe even tomorrow." and she ran, leaving three flabbergasted people behind.

She felt free, as if the strings tying her down had been cut. Of course, she would miss her mom, and Tara, but she needed a new start and this was her opportunity. As for Dean, she was not hurt at all. On the contrary, she felt relieved. Now she had no need to be in a plastic relationship at all. It was like a duty for her, and she felt no love towards him. She was free.

Her spirits brightened, and surprisingly, life had never looked better.

Broken Promises, Shattered Heart |✓Where stories live. Discover now