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C H A P T E R  S E V E N

Olivia was waiting in Des Patisseries, an amazing café near her house. Harry had asked her to meet him there.

"I have a surprise." he had said giddily over the phone.

At first, she did not want to talk to him as he did not call her for a whole month, but her decision was swayed just by hearing his voice. After all, she could never say no to Harry.

She wondered what the surprise would be. Why would he ask her to meet him at the café of all places? This was such a public place not usually meant for a surprise.

She had a feeling that it was something important, yet something bad. Her gut feelings had never been wrong before, but she was hoping that for once she was mistaken.

Where was Harry?

She heard the door opening, and looked with anticipation. But it soon turned into disappointment as it was a girl from her school, called Tara Brooke. She gave Olivia a friendly smile, which she returned. Soon, a boy called Jason West entered and made a beeline for Tara's table. They had been the best of friends, but something had happened between those two that no one knew about. Olivia never pried for information either, as it was not in her nature to unearth secrets that were never meant to be found.

She was glad that Harry and she had been able to maintain their friendship for such a long time. Ah, but little did she know what was about to happen.

She hated waiting, and anticipation made her perspire although the café was air-conditioned. Harry Badeaux was late as usual.

Then, she heard the tinkling bells indicating that someone had entered. She turned around and grinned, for it was Harry. But she noticed something queer: he was holding the door open as if waiting for someone to enter.

Then she saw her. She was truly a stunner, attracting everyone's gaze as she entered. She managed to look beautiful even while wearing worn out jeans and a t-shirt. She smiled at Harry, who in turn kissed her cheek.

Olivia felt faint. Were her eyes deceiving her? Her best friend and the love of her life had kissed another girl's cheek.

He saw her, and waved. She just gave him a small smile. They were heading towards her table, holding hands. Someone sitting behind her said, "My, what a perfect looking couple." and Olivia had to agree begrudgingly.

They sat across from her, and the girl gave Olivia a dazzling smile.

"Olive, this is Gabrielle, my girlfriend."

Broken Promises, Shattered Heart |✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang