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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E

Her last drop of hope vanished on Harry's birthday. Until then, she still wished that she meant something to him. Nevertheless, that day proved her wrong. Her prayers of reconciliation had been in vain, and this was the last straw.

She thought she would give him a gift and ask if he wanted to be friends again, to Tara's chagrin. She had warned Olivia not to do something so stupid and grovel at his feet, but she was stubborn. Before she could gather courage, Harry came up to her.

She was surprised, yet secretly glad. That vanished when she saw his uncomfortable expression. She wished him a happy birthday, and he thanked her. He looked like he was about to say something, but could not find the words. However, he seemed to have managed to word his thoughts.

"Umm, I was wondering if you still had that necklace I gave you?"

"The one with the moon pendant?" she enquired.

He nodded. "Could I have it back?"

Anger boiled inside her. How dare he? This was too much. That necklace was her only connection to him, and after all the heartache he put her through, how could he ask her to return it?

Maintaining a calm exterior, she asked, "Why do you want it back?"

He grew even more uncomfortable at that. "Uh, actually, I uh, wanted to give it to, umm, Elle."

She could not contain her rage anymore. "You bastard! First you break our friendship just because of her, and now you are taking this back from me? Don't you remember what you told me when you gave this? 'We shine together like the moon and stars, my Olivia. Don't you ever forget that' that is what you told me. Take the fucking necklace. I don't want to see your face in my life again!"

She threw the chain on him, and walked away. By that time, there was a huge crowd around them. She ignored the looks of pity and fake sympathy, and ran to Tara, who stretched her arms wide open. They hugged each other for a long time, and she cried into her shoulder.

"I hate him! Why does this happen to me? I've done nothing wrong to him."

Tara gave her a soothing pat. "It is usually the sweet and nice ones that are exploited and taken advantage of. It is not your fault at all. Anyway, it's a good thing that necklace is gone. You finally got rid of the one part that was attached to him. Now, you can finally move on."

Tara was right. It was toxic to hang on to someone like him. He did not belong in her life anymore, and she would do her best to move on. After all, she had the rest of her life ahead of her.

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