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C H A P T E R  S E V E N T E E N

Olivia was in the airport. Her packing had been complete and her mom promised to send all of her stuff soon. For now, she just carried a few clothes, her makeup and phone.

Her goodbyes were very few. Tara had hugged her so hard and promised to keep in touch. She was ready to leave her past behind, and she had a great idea as to how she would do that- letters.

She wrote one to Tara, thanking her for being there as an amazing friend.

She wrote one to Dean, saying that she forgave him.

She wrote one to Gabrielle, saying that she bore no hatred.

She wrote one to Harry, and poured all every thought had been on her mind for the past months.

She asked Tara to hand over the letters to them, as she did not want to see them again. She wanted to start life anew, and explore the beauties and wonders of the world.

Life was a blank page, and she was ready to ink it with bright colours.

Broken Promises, Shattered Heart |✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu