Chapter 4 - pom poms & crazy witches (# 2)

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We laid in the floor probably for a good hour, talking. I never knew it could feel so good to let things out..

"Hey guys, pillow fight!!"
Benny jumped and I grinned,
"You wanna get in on this Betty?"

He smiled and grabbed a pillow,
"Kinda sorta yeah...."
I laughed and grabbed one of my own,
"Then bring it on!"


"So Rose I don't want to start any drama but i have to ask, what's with you and Benny?"

Stephanie was painting my nails a dark red and looked at me curious.
I looked for Benny but he was no where, great just looked in a room full of cheerleaders.

"What do you mean?"
She and her pack of clones all laughed at once, okay very creepy.

"Well you could literally have any guy at school, yet you chose to spend most of your time hanging out and mega flirting with nerd boy"

She finished the last nail and I gave her a wicked grin while standing up,
"I'm afraid this is a question for a night where in fully awake. Night girls"

I waved to all the clones, now including Sarah and Erika and started walking upstairs when I faintly heard Sarah's voice.

"don't let her fool you, they're crazy for eachother."

I rolled my eyes and knocked on Ethans door.
"Benny? Ethan? Its Rose"

The didn't answer so I didn't what I had too, break the latch.
They'll get over it, I can always fix it tomorrow.

I had to cover my mouth, both the boys were still in their wigs and clothes, Ethan on his bed and Benny on the floor. I had to get a picture.

I carfully aimed the camera so I got them both then decided time to wake them.
"Guys? Guys!" I slapped the wall causing them both to jump up.

"Jesus Christ Rose, you scared the shit out of us!"
I laughed at Ethan and smiled.
"Sorry, your fault for falling asleep before me. You really didnt think I was sleeping down there with the plastics did you?"

They both shook their head laying back down,
"Find a spot"

I looked at the soace beside Benny and grinned,
"Already have"

"Benny scoot over alittle."
I nudged him with my foot ever so slightly and laid beside him, he took his wig off and his hair was an absolute mess. It was hella cute.

"Rose, stairing is creepy"
"And so is making action figures for the girls at school but you know I try not to think about it."

His eyes opened slightly and he gave meat tired smile.
"don't worry, yours is the cutest"
I rolled my eyes and fliped so my back was to his chest and closed my eyes.

"Night Ethan, night Benny"


Sunlight hit my eyes and I ended up blinking myself awake,
I went to move but a arm kept me down.
Benny had slept with his arm around my waist,
Warmth filled my body as I laid back in my spot enjoying being this close to him.

His hand started moving circles around my hips, then moved down to my thighs.
I let out a laughed and turned to face Benny.
"Morning cutie"
I rolled my eyes,
"Trying to get a headstart on our gane huh? Well two can play at that."
I flipped my legs over him once again and ran my fingers down his chest.
A smirk came to my face as I lifted his shirt a bit and saw a faint 6 pack.
For a nerd I was impressed. I left faint kisses on his torso and smiled sweetlyat him while standing back up.
He opened his eyes and sighed sitting up,

"One of these days i will win"
"You could only hope"
I jump on Ethans bed waking him up.
He still had on his wig and he looked at Benny and let out a small shriek.

"Benny your nails are red!"

"And yours are pink!"
They both shuttered and sat down,

"I feel so.... violated"

Benny scoffed and looked at Ethan.
"Tell me about it"


"So Betty where's your boyfriend?"
I raised an eyebrow at Ethan, and laughed too myself. If this had anything to do with embarrassing Benny I gotta be a part of it.

"Not funny man, Rory wont leave me alone!"
Ohhhh Rory, that explains it. I haven't really met him yet but from what I've heard he not your sharpest vampire in the word.

I patted Benny's shoulder with fake empathy and chuckled a little.
"You should be flattered, most guys have been talking about your men feet behind your back"

He squinted at me which just caused me to laugh even more and he walked away.
Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me over.

"Benny and I forgot to tell you, last night before you came in we found something huge. Stephanies a witch, and shes the one thats going to drain everyone today, not Erika."

I smiled, very satisfied,

"So does this mean I can kill her?"
Ethan sighed and shook his head.

"No Rose, we have a plan to take care of it"
"Fine but ive always believed its best to be safe."


"Benny say the spell!"
Ethan shouted over the other girls chants,
"I'm trying its not working!"
I looked around and got an idea,

"Blast Sarah! Not a lot just enough ti push her out of the circle!"
Ethan went to protest but Benny had already said the spell to send it her way.

She stumbled out and Stephanies pink eyes turned to her,
"Get back in the cirlce"

Sarah cracked her neck and grinned
She tried to pull us out but it wasnt working, and all I could do was sigh. This is why I dont do school activities.

"Benny push the pompoms your Grandma gave us closer to her, maybe it'll work"

The boys started aiming the oldschool looking pompoms at Stephanie and the whole circle broke. All the souls she took flew out of her and back to their host.

She let out a scream and fell to the ground, she was...old.
Benny's grandma walked in and smirked at her,
"I remembered how mean the were to you back then. Then I remembered that you deserved it"

A dagger animated in Stephanies hand as she went to strike grandma. She just laughed and with the flick of her wrist Grandma took away her powers.


I walked over to see Benny and Ethan throw away their lunches and see a blonde boy walk over to them.
Ah that must be Rory.

'"Hey boys"
I leaned my arm against Benny's shoulder and smirked at Rory.
"aren't you going to introduce me?"

Ethan snapped out of his thought and nodded.
"Rose this is Rory, Rory this is Rose"
He had a sad look on his face as he looked at me.

"She is nothing compared to my Betty"
I giggled and looked at Benny as he tensed up, but he still handed Rory a pink letter that was in his hand.

"I ran into Betty before she left, she asked me to give this to you."
His eyes lit up like a little boys on Christmas morning as he read over the letter.
I smiled at Benny, that was so sweet.

Oh then Rory started to float, it was pretty great cause Ethan and Benny started freaking trying to hold him down while I just stood and watched.

Looks like im stuck with these guys though.

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