Chapter 9 - I dont play with dolls (#2)

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"So let me get this straight, you locked Debbie Spazzle alone in your room?"

The boys nodded and I sent them dissaproving glares,
Now I had to deal with the blue haired bitch again,

"And when you went to see if she had re-doll-a-fide she was gone?"

"Yep" Benny replied looking at him feet,
I facepalmed, these boys I swear.

"And she turned your parents into dolls?"
Ethan nodded with a sad look in his eyes, I really didn't have time to lecture the boys right now though. Maybe when his moms you know, not a doll anymore, she'll do it for me.

"See, this is why I cant leave you guys alone"
I spat, rolling my eyes at the two.
"Well if it makes you feel any better, im 99.9% sure ive found the right spell"

"Okay good, lets do it"
I grabbed my backpack ready to leave when Benny scratched the back of his neck,
Damn, right when I thought we were at a good place.

"what's the 'but' Benny?" Ethan said annoyingly at his best friend,
"But, I cant be sure how Jane pronounced it." Benny added "she has to cast the reversal spell"

"Wonderful, and my parents?"
"They should be back to normal once the spells been reversed."

"Great now all we have to do is find homicidal barbie, and bring her down. Easy right boys?"
I grinned while placing my hands on my hips,
They just shrugged and Ethan turned to Benny,

"Have you talked to Rory?"
Benny smirked and pulled out his phone,

"Yeah, he sent me a text saying he was busy hanging out with his new girlfriend"
Both boys laughed and I just nodded,
If Rory got himself a girl then good for him, hell,
Anyone's dateable, I dont doubt him.

"Hes probably mad you didn't let him in you jerks"
Benny laughed at me and grabbed my hand pulling me over to him as the bell rang.
"Walk you to class?"
"Why not"


"Wait so Rory is dating plastic princess? Wow, go to the bathroom and you miss everything"

Sarah sighed and leaned against the wall, we were waiting for Erika. She was supposed to try to make Debbie jealous and get Rory to dump her.
I know Erika wouldnt just bail on me and Sarah like this though, so something has to be going on.

"Erika may be self-absorbed, but in the end she always comes through for me and Rose"

That's when Rory walked up to us,

"So Rory where's Debbie?"
Benny asked the blonde headed boy with a small grin on his face.

"Beats me, she went off looking for the 'one who made her'. You guys were right that girl is whack." He said before stalking away.

"The 'one who made Her'?" Benny questioned looking at us,

"Jane!" Ethan interrupted. "Shes looking for Jane! Im supposed to pick her up after school"

"Give me the keys, ill go get her and meet you back at your place"
Ethan nodded and handed Sarah the keys.
I walked up to Sarah and placed my hand on her shoulder,
"Im going with you,"
She nodded and Benny sent me a sad look, I sent him one back as I followed Sarah to Ethans car. To be completely honest I only wanted to go with Sarah because I just had this...feeling that Sarah would need my help.


"Wow you guys drive really fast!"
Jane stated as we ran into the house.
Sarah snatched Janes hand and went to take her upstairs when we heard the front door open.

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