Chapter 8 - I don't play with dolls

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"Hey Rose"
I smiled over at Mrs. Morgan as she opened the door for me,
I loved the Morgan's, they were all so....human I guess.

Mr. Morgan wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and smile as he pulled her close. They were so cute!!!
"Well me and the Mrs are off to Bowl, have fun girls"

After they left Sarah and I bumped into eachother, literally and we both ended up on the ground.
I started to laugh as we stood back up,
"Sarah for vampires were not very graceful are we?"
My dark haired friend laugh as we started to walk up the stairs,
"Not even the slightest bit"

I turned to open Ethans door but Sarah reached Janes first.
I felt her hand grip my arm rather tightly as she pulled me away from the guys room.

"Rose" she whispered pulling me closer,
I looked into Janes room and my jaw dropped, Jane had her arm around some blue haired girl's waist.

"Look what i made!"
I meantaly facepalmed. Something was telling me that Jane must have overheard one of Bennys spells.

"Hi I'm Debbie Dazzle, wanna play?"
Sarah's eyed went wide and I laughed, tonight was gonna be interesting.

"Ethan! you're gonna wanna see this!"
The two boys ran in there gasping for air,
"I was so winning"

Benny scoffed
"You wish you were-"
His eyes found mine and he walked up beside me,
"Hiya cutie"
I put a index finger up to his lips smiling,

"Hiya cutie? You know what forgrt that just, take a look over there"
I pointed to the blue haired girl and laughed alittle as Ethan and Benny's eyes got big.

"I think I had a dream like this once"
Another laugh escaped my lips, why am I not surprised?

"Jane can I talk to you over here for a second?"
Ethan and Jane left the room for a moment and I looked up at Benny.
"Do you have dreams about dolls?"

He grinned and looked back up at Debbie.
"don't judge, shes is kinda hot"

I scoffed and looked her up and down,
"She wears all pink and looks like she belongs on the Doodle bops"

(A/n if you don't get the reference. Look it up)


"Over Mrs. Dezzey Doble? You thought"
He smirked and placed an arm around my shoulder as Ethan walked back in with Jane.

"Lets have ice cream and go to a rollar disco dance party!"
The blue hair girl grinned but i just rolled my eyes,

"Yay!" Jane shouted and benny smiled,
"I'm so in!"
Ethan threw his hands up and let out a histarical laugh,

"No, no parties! We need to figure out how to turn her back into a doll"

I watched Debbie- um Doolittle? Sure why not?
I watched as Debbie Doolittle's expression changed quickly, she had an angered look on her face and a threatening tone in her voice,
"No, I don't wanna go back. Its so boring, I want to have fun. I wont go back! I wont!"

Jane ran over to her blue haired friend wrapping her arms around her waist.
"don't worry Debbie. I wont let them change you back I promise!"

"Oh goodies!" The human doll grinned,
"Lets celebrate! Cupcake dance party!"

A sigh escaped my lips, but i could see excitement radiate off of Benny,
When Jane and Debbie left Sarah turned to Benny, roughly handing him his spell book.

"Fix. this. Now."
Benny sighed flipping through the book,
"Its not that simple. I think Jane used a different spell, that or she said it differently. In order to fix it I need to know excatly how she did it"

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