Chapter 7 - You make me better

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"Rosaline, I promise I would never hurt you"
His dark hair fell loosely over his eyes in a way that i found irresistible. My thin arms wrapped around his neck as he held me close,
"I believe you.."

My eyes flew open as I gasped for air, sweat was covering my forehead. And Benny was gone.
What was that?
It felt so real...
It couldn't have been a dream...

My feet stumbled to reach the ground as I fell out of my bed, running to get to the stairs.
I tripped over my own foot and fell down the stairs landing on my butt on the last stair.
I needed to be more graceful.

My brother ran to the stairs and let out a sigh of relief when he saw I was okay.
I got on my feet and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Jefferey, what happened earlier?"

"Benny stopped by alittle after you got home and said you almost let the bad take over but you stopped it. He laid in there with you for hours, until you fell asleep."

I let out a sigh and sat back down on the stair. Jefferey sat down beside me and raised an eyebrow.

"I had this- dream I guess it was. But it didn't feel like a felt like a memory, familiar."

He nodded and placed an arm around my shoulder. I realized it sounded crazy did. I just wish I could remember who that guy was...

"Well I have a theory as to might be what's going on"

I was open to anything, I nodded at my older brother and smiled at him, we haven't been this close in a long time.

"Maybe you're starting to remember..."
He had this sad look on his face, which I didn't understand. I thought he'd be happy, I mean hes always told me that it would be a good thing if I could remember my past self. So why did he look so worried?

"But how? I mean, what do you think is causing it?"

A small smile appeared on his face as he gave me a slight squeeze.
"I think it might have something to do with you with someone convincing you to control the vampire and letting your humanity show."

I laughed and looked at my hands, I know what he was getting at, and he might have a point. But I didn't know how to aprouch it, I liked the feeling of remembering, its just what if its not a good thing after all?

"You mean Benny"
He nodded and gave a small laugh,
"I don't know what it is about him, but somehow he convinced you to fight you instincts. Hes good for you Rose."

"I just don't understand, why don't Sarah and Erika have this probelm...why don't they have to fight?"

"Rose they do, Sarah's still a fledgling right?"

I nodded, I looked up to Sarah, she was so determined not to feed from humans. Even after knowing  if she waited too long it would kill her.

"Shes fighting her instincts everyday, its a miracle shes lasted this long. And as for Erika, she may seem like shes embraced the vampire lifestyle, but let me ask you this. Has she ever took a human life?"
He had a point, Erika may have been reckless, and impulsive, but she would never kill a human.
I shook my head and sighed,

"I wish i could say the same"
I felt every inch of my body shake as I thought back to the young girl and her boyfriend that had the unfortunate luck to run into me during the early stages of my turning.

My brothers arm moved from my shoulders and held my face,
"Rosie look, we cant control what happened in the past. But look, a week ago if I asked you how you felt about that night you know what you would have said?"

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