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August 25th, 1942

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August 25th, 1942

Charlotte let out a sigh of relief as Steve returned to the army base, where she had anxiously waited for him. Pretending not to be worried about Steve would be a complete lie. After the events of the day, she knew she would never stop fretting about his safety.

"Steve, you're okay!" She smiled, wrapping her arms around him tightly, trying to squeeze him in a reassuring embrace.

"I'm fine, Char, honestly, you don't need to worry about me." He reassured her with a smile.

Charlotte shook her head. "Steve, I have every reason. This morning, you transformed into a super-soldier, and then someone tried to kill you."

Before Steve could respond, a diminutive man in uniform, appearing even smaller next to Steve's towering figure, approached and requested Steve's presence to meet with the general.

"Try not to worry anymore and get some sleep, alright Charlotte? We'll talk in the morning," Steve whispered, embracing her before trailing the soldier down the illuminated hallway.

Charlotte chuckled, reflecting on the abrupt shift in her recent experiences—from working in a hospital with war-induced trauma cases to assisting the SSR in transforming men into super soldiers. Back in her room, she shed her uniform for a nightgown and a knit sweater, securing her hair away from her face. The surreal nature of her current situation struck her; she never imagined herself involved in such endeavors. Marriage, too, was an unforeseen consideration, but Bucky had altered her perspective. Just before settling into bed, a knock echoed at her door. Opening it, she was once again met by Peggy.

"Good evening, Charlotte. A letter arrived for you from your apartment, and I thought it best to give it to you now instead of waiting until morning. It's addressed from Sergeant Barnes, so I assumed you'd want it sooner."

Charlotte's stomach fluttered at the mention of a letter from Bucky. "Thank you, Peggy. I appreciate you bringing it to me early," she spoke, grabbing the envelope from Peggy.

"You're welcome, Charlotte. Have a good night."

"You as well," she muttered, too distracted by the parchment between her small and shaking hands.

Shutting the door rapidly, Charlotte tore the envelope open. Discarding it in the trash, she opened the letter only to find an extra chain and dog tags within the notes. Tearing up, she placed the chain around her neck while clutching the tags tightly in her hand as she read the letter. The further she read, the more tears flowed down her hot cheeks. Every piece of her ached for him. It had only been three months since he left, but it felt like an entire lifetime. She felt as if half of her was missing with him gone. If there was one thing she knew for sure, she had to see him soon, even if it meant marching to the front of the line herself.

In the following weeks at the compound, things seemed to have slowed down. Steve underwent tests almost every day as the SSR tried to decipher which formula the doctor had used. This kept Steve away from Charlotte quite a bit. The only time she saw him was when he came with news of their upcoming travels.

"Charlotte, we're headed to Alamogordo," Steve spoke with excitement.

Packing the remaining items into her suitcase, Charlotte sighed, "I can't wait to get out of here, Steve. Another minute in this place, and I might go crazy. I need something to do, something to take my mind off Bucky. He hasn't been writing as often, and I'm sure he's busy, but I'm worried, Steve."

"He's okay," Steve reassured, pulling Charlotte into a hug. "He's got fighting to do. I'm sure he's just very busy. I know for a fact that he thinks about you every minute of the day; it's impossible to get his mind off you."

"You're right, he's got a lot on his plate. I shouldn't expect letters every day. But, Steve, the worry just creeps in."

Steve offered a reassuring smile. "Come on, let's change the scenery. We've got a tour ahead, Char. Traveling across America, showing everyone how we're taking it to the Nazis. It'll be a good distraction for you, take your mind off Bucky for a bit."

Charlotte sighed, picking up her suitcase. She followed Steve out of her room and into a waiting car outside the base. Steve tossed her bag into the trunk, and she settled into the car, waiting for their journey to begin.

The drive to the airport felt interminable. Gazing at the cityscape outside the car window, Charlotte's mind drifted to the nights spent dancing with Buck and Steve at Sal's. She longed for those simpler times, the days before the war, before Bucky left. Life had become so complex, filled with worries about Bucky fighting overseas and Steve facing potential threats as a super-soldier. The drastic changes in her life were undeniably daunting.

Looking at the engagement ring on her finger, she couldn't help but smile, reminiscing about the day Bucky proposed. She yearned to revisit that moment, the day Bucky confessed his love. The mix of joy and nervous anticipation as he swept her away to her apartment, knowing that the months ahead held both happiness and uncertainty. Charlotte wished to return to the entanglement of sheets and the warmth of Bucky, where their lips and bodies melded in perfect harmony. The uncertainty of when that would happen again lingered in Charlotte's thoughts.

Driving onto the airport tarmac, Charlotte noticed a sizable plane with the word STARK emblazoned down the side.

"I guess that's our ride," Charlotte chuckled.

Steve grinned, "Looks like Stark is going all out."

As they approached the plane, the driver stepped out, and Mr. Stark came over, opening the door for Charlotte.

"Ah, Ms. Becker, always a pleasure to see you again," Howard winked.

"Mr. Stark," Charlotte replied with a smile and a nod.

"I hope you and Steve enjoy your travels. It's the least I could do, especially since Peggy and I are headed to London."

"It's very kind of you. I'm sure Steve appreciates the gesture."

Howard smiled, "While, I better let you two get going. Maybe our paths will cross again one day Ms. Becker."


Climbing the stairs of the plane, Charlotte bid farewell to Howard and Peggy while Steve wrapped up his conversation with them.

The four-hour flight seemed to pass quickly, with Charlotte dozing off for most of it. Steve gently woke her as they prepared to land, sharing their plans for the evening upon arrival.

Their destination was the Palliser Hotel, where Steve's first show was scheduled for the next evening. Recognizing the need for a good night's sleep before the upcoming busy day, Charlotte and Steve enjoyed a quick dinner before she wished him goodnight and retired to her room, sinking onto the bed. The reality hit her – she was officially on tour with Captain America, her best friend. Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn her life had taken, transforming from a nurse to a companion on the road with a superhero. As she drifted into sleep, her dreams were filled with images of Bucky and Steve, dancing at Sal's, cherishing the moments with her two best people.

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