When you're on your period

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This is similar to when your sick, but not completely.


When you start cramping, he gets a heating pad and massages your stomach. He let's you complain to him about life, even though he's terrified that you'll eventually burst of emotion XD He buys you chocolate when you ask.


He buys you cans of pineapple (its really good for you on your period!) When you start getting emotional, he asks if you want to be snuggled since he doesn't want to be yelled at if you don't. He draws a very hot bath for u when you start cramping really badly.


Barry will go out and buy you pads and tampons when he notices that you are running low. He gives you a cool washcloth to lay on your forehead If you get too hot. He will force his love on you, even if you don't want it, but you love it.

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