The Child on Destined Tragedy

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Oedipus Rex

Oedipus the king

[The Light Novel Version]



Story by Sophocles


Novelize by Itsme.Seri








VOLUME 1 - Birth and Early Life

Chapter 1 - The child in destined tragedy

Once upon a time, there was an ancient kingdom on Greece. It was called "Thebes".

There was a king and a queen who was expecting a child.

"Laius, I'm pregnant" As Jocasta happily announced.

"I'm so happy about this Jocasta." The King Laius was delighted.

They were both happy until, there was an oracle who made prophecy to the king.

"Oh my king, I have to deliver my prediction to you." as he bow down on bended knees.

"What is it?" the king signal to stand up.

The oracle stand up and said "Soon as your child were born. Your death is assured."

The king was puzzled and asked "Why?"

"Your child is the one who will kill you someday."

The words of the oracle brings fear to the king.

"What would you do Laius?" Jocasta asked worriedly.

He's filled with coldness within and make him shivers but this doesn't make him abort the child and think what a good father would.

"We'll wait for the child." He answer with indistinct face.

He waits for the child to be born.

As the child was born. The king gave the child to his servant.

"Here, toss this child to the river." He ordered.

"Yes, my king"

He also drove spike to his feet so he can never come home. The servant obeys the king. The servant is not a horrible human being so he leaves the child on the mountain.

Fortunately, a shepherd is passing by and discovered the baby.

"Oh, what a poor baby." He pitied the child.

"All alone in this shallow mountain." with his face so sad.

The shepherd was only on a town of Corinth across the mountain.

So he journey with the child.

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