Journey to the truth

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Chapter 3 - Journey to the truth

Because of this, Oedipus was desperate to know the truth. Much to his confusion, he thought that the oracle of Delphi might know something. He travels all the way from Corinth to Delphi where he decided to visit the temple of Apollo. He consulted the oracle, which, without giving him the definite answer or whether he was adopted or not, told him that he was destined to slay his own father and marry his own mother and bring sorrow to his native city.

“I cannot answer your question for I only know destiny of people, not their own personal life.”

Much to his anger, he therefore asked. “So what is my destiny? My fate?”

The oracle let a big sigh and told him after some brief thought.

“You, Oedipus, were destined to kill your own father!”

Oedipus was astonished. But the oracle continues to talk.

“And shall marry your mother and make your own birth city miserable – “

“Enough!!” Oedipus was so furious about this and left the temple.

He believed that his father is the king of Corinth. He was so confuse that he don’t want to go back to Corinth. Thinking this terrible decree referred to Polybus and Merope, Oedipus fled from Corinth, resolved never to return.

It happened that this lonely journey took him to a point where two roads met, and then he encountered another traveler, an old man in a chariot, escorted by servants and preceded by a herald.

“Hey young man! Pull your chariot aside!” The old man with a crown yelled at him.

He was accustomed to being treated with great deference, refused to pull his own chariot aside.

The king gives a signal with a snap of his finger when curtly ordered to do so by the herald, who thereupon killed one of his horses.

Oedipus, with his confusion, became furious.

RRrrrrgggg!!!  His wrath makes him lose control.

Hhhhyyyaaaa!!!  Oedipus leapt forth, and in the struggle which followed he slew the old man and all the attendants except one. A servant hides himself.

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