Chapter 1: Love Me Tender

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I hope you enjoy the first chapter :) there are no warnings (yet?) quick summary is just Paul and john meeting ect anyway I think it's cute :)

Thank you!


Paul had a lot of things on his mind a lot of the time. The rest of the time he just felt.....numb. Paul McCartney had a rough childhood, what with his mother passing away, his fathers drinking and being bullied at school.

John was almost the same as Paul. But he was outgoing - popular even. John Lennon had no idea who Paul was. Yet, that is.

The two shared a class in the morning and their lockers were only separated by a three or four. There were multiple occasions where Paul had been shoved, punched or laughed at within John's earshot.


I sat down in my usual seat, close to the front of the class so I could see. My father couldn't afford to buy me glasses, so squinting and looking like a teachers pet would have to do for now. "Bloody fag!" Someone coughed under their breath as they walked by my desk. I rolled my eyes. It's sad, but I had become used to the fact that nobody looked at me as anything other than a loser, a nerdy fag. With seconds to spare, George hurried into the room and threw his book bag down beside his seat. "Aye McCartney!" He sounded winded. "Aye, Geo." I mumbled.

After class, George and I shuffled slowly to our lockers. "Well, tomorrow night might work better for me, mate. Me younger brothers got his birthday today so me mum is makin dinner." George informed me. We were suppose to meet in the park to practice guitar and work on some songs. "I understand Geo! You don't need to feel bad." He nodded and waved as he walked out toward the parking lot. His place was much closer than mine. Suddenly, I found myself scattered on the floor and shuffling my books back together.

"Jesus, son I didn't even see ye' there, I'm so sorry," an older boy said as he stretched his hand out to help me. I looked at his hand and stood up on my own.. One thing I can't do, is touch strangers. Hell, I could barely speak to someone I didn't know. "S'ok," I mumbled with my head down. "Aye aren't you in me first period class mate?" He asked as he lowered his thick rimmed, Buddy Holly like glasses. "Uh, I-I-uh yeah, I am," I shook my head. "Well again, I'm sorry fer bumpin' yer books. Me names John, by the wa-" John was immediately cut off by the same boy who had called me a bloody fag in my earlier class. "Lennon! What are ye doin' talkin' to this bloody wanker? He's a poof dontcha know?!" He said as he nudged my books back out of my arms. I quickly scooped them up, and walked outside toward home. I didn't look back, but I could feel them watching me.


I shoved Pete away and started following that small boy. I finally caught up to him. "Aye mate I'm sorry bout me friend back there he's a bit of a cunt." I said. The boy looked at me shyly and nodded. "You alright kid?" I asked. He nodded, "you don't have to uh-y'know, uh feel bad for me, I'm used to it...." I rolled my eyes.

This kid was odd.

Then I noticed his book had a Elvis Presley bookmark sticking out. "Aye! The king! You fancy rock n roll mate?" I asked him, trying to give the kid a break. I'd only ever seen him with that Harrison kid, he must not have many friends. "Ye, just learned blue suede shoes on me guitar." He spoke more clearly now. "You play?! I do too! Maybe we should jam sometime!" I stopped in my tracks. We had walked to the turn to Mendips, where I lived. He turned, "Ye, maybe, I'll see ya round John. I'm Paul, Paul McCartney, by the way." He began mumbling again.


I began to walk away from John. It's not often somebody just talks to me and tries to befriend me like that, it made me uneasy.

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