[Chapter Twenty Six]

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The bowman had disappeared out of the house. The dwarves grumbled, not wanting to wait till nightfall to sneak through the marketplace to the city armory to get proper weapons. Alyndra had grown worried about Kili, he didn't look well. Nightfall had finally come, it wasn't hard for the dwarves to push pass the young boy. Bain tried to convince them to wait until his father returned, but they had wasted enough time. The made their way through the marketplace and hid behind some crates just outside the armory.

Alyndra saw some guards on the other side of the docks and informed the dwarves. " As soon as we have the weapons we make straight for the mountain." Thorin whispered. A few of the dwarves were standing under an open window of the armory and using themselves as a pyramid for the others to get them inside. A few of the dwarves, one by one got a running start and climbed onto the others and slid in through the window. Alyndra was about to go next, when Thorin stopped her and insisted she stay with the others. She muttered something under her breath but did as he wished.

Thorin had gone in and the began gathering any weapons they could carry. Alyndra paced back and forth keeping an eye on the guards she had spotted earlier when a crash is heard above them. They hear shouts from the guards."Run!" Dori shouted. Alyndra and the few dwarves that she was with didn't make it far when guards had them surrounded pointing spears at them. The were soon joined by the others who were being pushed by other guards and they started dragging the company through the town square to the master's home. The town's people saw the commotion that was happening outside their home and soon their was a group of people following behind the guards and they stopped in front of the biggest home in Lake-Town. " What is the meaning of this?!" A fat man roared, as he came out the door, still trying to put his coat on.

" We caught em stealing weapons, sire." The captain of the guard stated.

" Ah, enemies of the state, ehm?"

"A desperate bunch of mercenaries if ever there was, sire." Alfrid added.

" Hold your tongue." Dwalin hissed, stepping forward. " You do not know to whom you speak." Thorin had been standing behind the others, holding Alyndra's hand and he released it and stepped forward. " This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!" Gasp of shocks were heard from the crowds of people.

"We are the dwarves of Erebor.We have come to reclaim our homeland. I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor..filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the north!" Thorin exclaimed as the crowd murmured their agreements. " I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more. From the halls of Erebor!" The lake people cheered at this. Alyndra smiled, seeing Thorin give these people hope, but it was soon brought into question when Bard showed up. He begged the people to see what would happen if they awaken the beast. The master's adviser questioned who Thorin was and why they should take his word for it. The man demanded for someone who could vouch for his character. None of the dwarves spoke up and Alyndra felt if she stepped forward they wouldn't take her seriously.

The hobbit suddenly spoke up. Thorin turned in shock as did the other dwarves, but Thorin looked at the hobbit in admiration. Alyndra was surprised when the master had pointed out lord Girion was Bard's ancestor. The bowman approached the dwarf and argued with him to not enter that mountain, but Thorin was determined to reclaim the mountain from the beast, and the master welcomed them and offered them a feast in his grand home to wish them luck in reclaiming their home and in return bring them wealth.

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