[Chapter Forty Two]

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Thorin wandered down the hall that was made of gold where they had attempted to smother the dragon, not realizing, at the time. that it would have such little effect on him. Thorin had just tried to throw the hobbit over the rampart, for not revealing sooner that he had the Arkenstone all this time and then gave it to Bard, the bowman. It brought on a war between Dwarves and Elves and then, if matters could not get any worse. Azog, the Defiler had come, with an outrageously huge army to wipe them all out. Once the company saw their kin was in trouble, they were ready to go over the wall to fight, until their king told them all to stand down, which was something that was not in there blood. But Thorin was their king and they did as their king commanded and they hid as the screams were carried through the air of their kin and the lake-town people fighting for their lives.

The dwarf continued following down the hall, trying to sort out all the voices yelling in his head. He heard his own the loudest, telling him he needed to protect the gold at all cost. It was worth the blood shed of his kin, the elves and man. This gold was his. Dwalin's, Bilbo's and Gandalf's began to echo in his louder, but it was her voice that stopped him in his tracks. He had almost forgotten the sound of her soft voice. She was begging him to see that this was not him. Thorin began to seeing images in his head. Images of them when they were happy, near each other and then he started remembering the first time he got rough with her, he wasn't even sure why he did it, he would never hurt her. And then he did it again, when the eagles had come to tell her, her father was missing. Thorin could still picture the fear in her eyes when he tossed her to the ground for trying to leave. She was scared of him and then she was gone. How could he just forget about her like that? Before The king could even answer his own question's he was distracted by something slithering under the gold. Thorin fell to his knees looked straight ahead and narrowed his eyes in confusing, seeing himself begin to sink into the gold and struggle to stay above it until it covered him.

The King threw his crown off his head. This was all his doing. He had pushed everyone who had stood by him away, including the only woman he had ever loved. It was up to him now to fix this and hope his kin were still willing to follow him after everything he had done. Thorin removed all his heavy armor and his grandfathers fur coat. The Dwarf was in the armory, grabbing a sword when he suddenly had the inkling to reach into his pocket and he pulled something out. Thorin's eyes widen to see it was a necklace he recognized. The necklace had an eagle attached to it. He realized Alyndra must have slipt it into his pocket, knowing he might need it. Alyndra had told him once that the necklace was believed to have power that all someone had to do was speak to it and the eagles would hear the pleas. Thorin could tell that she thought of it being nothing more then a myth amongst her people, but he had to try. He knew he didn't deserve her forgiveness, he would probably spend the rest of his life making it up to her if he survived this war. But if she decided to leave him, he wouldn't stop her, all he knew was he needed her and the other eagles help to defeat a common enemy.

"Alyndra I don't know if you can hear me. I'm sorry. Sorry for everything I did to you. I know I don't deserve you're forgiveness, but I need your help." Thorin said as he spoke into the necklace. He then put the necklace around his neck and left to earn forgiveness from his kin.

Alyndra and the other eagles had flown all night and were nearing the Lonely Mountain when she heard his voice in her mind. Thorin had broken the curse and she couldn't help but feel relieved hearing his voice say her name. She signaled for the others to move faster, hoping she would get their in time and be reunited with the one she loved.

Thorin and the others had long joined the fight on the battlefield, along side what remained of Lord Dain's army. The Dwarves were taking out every orc in their path. The Dwarf King then took his best warriors to ride to Ravenhill to take out the Pale Orc.

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