-Rant Time-

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Warring; Spoilers for 'Your Lie In April'

Okay, so I started watching Your Lie In April on Netflix, and I watched the whole series, an the episode before the last, they show Kaori in surgery. Apparently she has a similar illness to Kousei's mother, and she can't function properly. Kousei beggs her to preform with him one last time, and that influences her to do the surgery. She makes him promise to stay with her, but her surgery is on the day of his big piano performance. She makes him go to it. There, he plays a wonderful heartfelt song and pictures her with her violin preforming alongside him. While she's slowly dying, he's trying to make his music so intense, that it reachers her all the way at the hospital. I'm fucking done. Merely episodes ago, he confessed he was in love with her to his two friends, and sees her collapse and get taken into the emergency center on the way to see her. He even brought her sweets. The next episode, it shows him at the performance and her health decreasing until she's dead. It flickers to her funeral, her dad giving him the note she wrote for him. In the note, it explains how she's always wanted to talk to him, and at the end confesses that she loved him. They loved each other. But it was too late. She was gone. I'm sobbing. I can't take this anymore. Why did I choose to watch this?! I'm dying. I'm spasming. And my friend is making fun of me while he watches it. You heartless bastard. This is the end of the whole fucking anime.

 This is the end of the whole fucking anime

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