Im gonna kill someone i swear

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So, yesterday I got home, expecting a quiet afternoon at home before I fell asleep.

But no, my mothe-no, April- decided to babysit some fucking beast for free. I'm sick and tired of her being so inconsiderate of other people's feelings and how it would affect them.

Abby was clearly uncomfortable, Melissa was straight up avoiding it, the dogs wouldn't go near it, and I glared at the fucking piece of shit the whole time it was there.

I got home, went to my room, and put on music. I was listening to music with my headphones, when the fucking thing decided to start straight-up wailing and nobody would shut the damned trash up.

I had to turn my headphone speaker up so loud that someone could hear my music in the other room. I should be deaf right now.

I had gone through tests, essays, and things like that. My feet and hands hurt and I had a headache. I was so happy to finally reach my last, and favorite, class, Mr. N.

Well, as soon as I got home that happiness was destroyed. And she's babysitting the little fuck today, again, for free, again.

I'm so glad that the fucking piece of shits sister and I are on the same boat. We don't want it near us, looking at us, touching us, we don't want it in a 10 mile radius from us.

The little mutt has the audacity to make me hate my favorite restaurant now, spit up all over Kylie and April, and absolutely make a fool out of us at the restaurant. I fucking hate that thing and it's parents.

I swear I'm either gonna kill it or myself.

It better fucking stay away from me.

I don't care if you have been my best friend for years, if you have a child I'm instantly cutting ties. I don't want you to mention it to me, to invite me to a baby shower, I don't give a shit about that little monster you produced.

That's for ruining my whole fucking week, mom. Thanks. At this rate you're gonna force me back into self-harm. I hope you're happy for making me paranoid and influencing me to be a little fucking demon and snake like everybody calls me.

If she wants a delinquent, I'll give her one.

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