-I can relate-

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Normal People: Think Harry Styles is cute
Warriors Fans: Know Ravenpaw is cuter
Normal People: Say its a twig with scratches
Warriors Fans: Know its Jayfeather's
Normal People: Think 'poor kitty' when they see a cat missing an eye
Warriors Fans: Thinks 'BRIGHTHEART'
Normal People: Think clans of cats are insane
Warriors Fans: Wishes they could be in a clan
Normal People: Name they're cats after movie stars
Warriors Fans: Name them after warriors
Normal People: Are ignoring this
Warriors Fans: Are copying and pasting right now
Normal People: Think that clans of cats are insane
Warriors Fans: Wish they could be in a clan
Normal People: Think Squirrelflight's a stupid name
Warriors Fans: Think it's normal
Normal People: Call newborn cats kittens
Warriors Fans: Call them kits
Normal People: Would never put this on their profile
Warriors Fans: Would put this on their profile
Normal People: Can talk forever how their crush is hot
Warrior Fans: Can defend that Foxleap is hotter
Normal People: Think cats to Heaven
Warrior Fans: Know they go to StarClan if they are nice, or Place of No Stars, if they are evil

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