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Apparently I'm a psychopath.

1. I usually stay up till 6 at night, I feel much more energetic and intelligent at night. I also feel the need to organize and I think much more at that time.

 I also feel the need to organize and I think much more at that time

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2. I blame people for my doings, and im quite shameless. I flaunt the things I did after the other person was blamed.

3. I'm impulsive and act on feeling rather then thoughts. I can snap instantly, and swing without feeling. Actually, I accidentally slapped my friend because of this.

4. I am definitely not empathetic. I feel little to no feelings for those around me, and frankly don't care about what happens to them.

5. I'm very self-centered and feel my self superior to those I dislike and detest. I think myself much more worthy then they. (Donald trump = American Hitler.)

6. My sense of smell lacks highly, and sometimes I can't smell anything. I like coffee and dark chocolate very much, and can't tell the differences from some smells. (I had actually mistaken cube steak for salsbary steak today.)

7. I'm very flirty and sensual, and I don't need to be attached to someone to be sexual with them. I'm not picky with partners. (Hey, ummmhi8 , remember the time me, you, and Fayth were talking about the amount of boyfriends/girlfriends we had had before, and I had the highest in the group?)

8. I'm very manipulative and I lie frequently. I do it compulsively, and actually persuade those around me I'm much more ill then I actually am. I exadurate all the time.

9. My speech pattern is very pointent, long, and descriptive, and is based on something or several things. I use conjunction words constantly, and like to emphasize words to contract feeling.

10. I don't yawn as often as others, in fact I yawn rarely.

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