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So, I just figured out I execute the following acts whilst sleeping;

-Talk, either clearly or mumbiling.
-Walk, it seems i do this often.
-Move things, I finally figured out why so many things in my room seemed to be misplaced in the morning.
-Wander the house, which is downright creepy.
-Sob hysterically.
-Stand at the entrance of my parents bedroom and wake them up with my talking, get frustrated if they can't solve or help with whatever I'm saying, then proceed to march back to my room in frustration and slam the gate.
-(Probably) Leave the house and wander the streets, my mom kept complaining about the front door being unlocked with no explanation.
-Stare blankly at walls.
-Stare blankly and seem as if I'm speaking to someone.
-Mess around with items in the house.

And I manage not to remember a single thing, and not wake anybody up instantly with my wandering. I've probably done a lot more, just nobody has witnessed it. My parents need to set up cameras so I now exactly what my subconscious self is up to.

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