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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

The stupid alarm went off, waking me from my restless sleep. I had been up till two in the morning from my mother's punishment. After a few kicks in my gut I was made to kneel in rice. I guess I can be happy that was all she did to me. At least there was no blood, this time.

I took a shower, washing away all the sweat and little makeup I hadn't got off my face from yesterday. I then blow dried my and carefully pinned it up. My scalp protesting, still sore from yesterday's hair do. Then I put a wig liner to protect my hair and carefully put on my wig on top of it. Its long black wig with bangs across my forehead. If I wasn't so in love with my hair color then I would actually think about dying it this color. It brings out my green eyes, making them pop out even more. I then grab my contact case and put them in. I look at the mirror and bright light blue-grey eyes look back at me. I can't lie, I definitely love this color. Sighing I head back to my room and change into black legging and a huge sweatshirt. I slip on my blue flats and then grab my fake glasses on the dresser.

I walk slowly down the steps, my stomach sore from the beating I took last night. Entering the kitchen, I'm glad to see that no one is a wake and I grab a breakfast bar and go back upstairs while I eat it. When I am done I brush my teeth before putting in my fake retainer, it's so my voice sounds slightly different. I grab my bag and keys and try to get out of the house as fast as I can before anyone gets up.

I hop in my 2005 jeep and take off.

Getting to school early gave me an opportunity to park in a pretty good spot

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Getting to school early gave me an opportunity to park in a pretty good spot. Now I also have extra time to work with the office to make sure they have all of my papers and whatnot. And probably a little bit of extra time to find a class or two, so I know where I'm going.

Walking in the school, it was pretty easy to find the front office. I find a lady behind a desk staring at her phone.

"Um, hello," I say.

"Hi," She says in a bored tone.

"I'm here to get my schedule. I'm Rose Thomson. A senior."

"Um... Okay, why don't you go down that hallway there. Mr. Blackbourne should be here now, just look for the unmarked door. He can help you, I'm busy," She says and goes back on her phone. Wow, well alright then. I follow the hallway and get to an unmarked door. I take a deep breath and knock three times. It takes a moment but the door opens revealing the most handsome and intimidating man I have ever seen.

"Yes," He asks after a few moments of staring.

"Oh, um, the lady in front said you could help me with my schedule. Uh..Mr. Blackbourne?" I end with a question, thinking that I could have gotten the wrong door or something.

"Yes. Alright, take a seat. One moment please," I follow him in and freeze when I spot another incredibly handsome man. What is going on!

"Hello there Pumpkin," The other man said with a cheerful smile.

My cheeks glow red and I glance towards my shoes, "Hi."

"I'm Dr. Green, it's nice to meet you..?"

"Rose, Rose Thomson, nice to meet you as well."

"Alright Miss Thomson, let's get this schedule setup. Now is this all the classes you wanted? "

I shrugged, "No, not all of them."

"Well, why aren't you taking the classes you wanted?" Mr. Blackbourne asked.

"Well, they said I couldn't take all the AP classes that I wanted when I had asked earlier and they said that Japanese was not possible," I shrugged again.

"Okay, what AP classes did you want?" Dr. Green said.

"AP English, AP Calculus, AP World History, and AP Anatomy," I tell them.

"Wow, those are some challenging classes. Would you be okay if you got all those?" Dr. Green said.

"Well, I want to try."

"What about Japanese? Do you still want it?" He continued.

"Yes, but how do I get all of those classes?"

"Don't worry Miss Thomson, we have our ways," Mr. Blackbourne said as he fiddled with his computer.

I realize I hear the sound of music and I find myself getting lost in the calming peace of it. Without me knowing my foot starts to tap to the melody.

"Do you know this song?" Mr. Blackbourne asked.

With a nod I say, "it's a song about swallows, by Micarelli." With a dreamy sigh, I think about how much I really do love music.

Mr. Blackbourne's eyebrows lifted up a little and the corner of his mouth went up slightly, making his already perfect face soften. My breath caught a little bit as the transformation. "How can you tell?"

"She has this style, it's soft. It is kind of hard to explain, but I really like it."

"Do you like the violin?" he asked.

"I do, and the piano. I know a little bit of both, but we ended up moving before my lessons could continue and my parents never signed me back up when we settled down. Instead they signed me up for guitar lessons." I said, frowning as I think about. That was when my parents learned that I could sing and make money from it. They were ruthless with my lessons, but luckily, I was able to pick it up quickly.

"Would you like for me to teach you?"

"Really?!" I almost jumped out of my chair with my excitement.

Dr. Green chuckled at me. I found that I didn't care, I was excited!

Mr. Blackbourne had his millimeter smile back on, "you just won't have a study hall, do you think you can handle that?" He almost challenge me.

"I definitely want to try!" He nodded.

"The year has already started and we are already a couple months into the year. Are you going to be able to catch up?" He pressed one more time.

I look him square in the eyes, "Yes, I want this schedule, I'll be able to catch up no problem."

He nodded once more, satisfied that I didn't back down.

It took a little while but he printed of my schedule and told me that if I waited, he could get someone to help show me the way to homeroom. Seeing as the halls started to fill up with kids, I agreed. 

Author's Note:

Well, that's chapter two! Let me know if you enjoyed it! Please comment and vote! 

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