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When Nathan and I get to Music room B, I pause outside the door. Looking up at him from under my eyelashes I say, "Thank you for walking me to class," blushing at the end.

His smile turns a little soft and pink starts to show on his cheeks, "you're welcome, I'll see you later. I think North is coming to get you after this class."

I nod, and wave at him as he leaves before taking a breath and opening the door. I stop dead in my tracks as I see Mr. Blackbourne playing the piano and the hear the beautiful sound that he is creating. I walk a little in and quietly close the door. My eyes shut on their own accord and my body starts to softly sway to the music. The bell rings, causing Mr. Blackbourne to stop playing. I sigh in disappointment as I feel the loss of contentment that the music had created in me. When I open my eyes I am meet with steel gray eyes that are hidden behind glasses.

"Miss Thomson."

"Mr. Blackbourne," two can play that game. I walk slowly over to where he is now standing beside the piano.

"Please, take a seat. We can work on the piano today. Tomorrow if you wish, we can start the violin or continue with the piano. It's your choice."

I smile and sit down on the piano bench. My hands drift over the keys before starting to play 'Mary had a little lamb' and easy piece to play and one that is hard to forget. Mr. Blackbourne sits next to me and soon he is going over other simple songs. As the lesson continues, I didn't even notice how much time has passed until the bell rings. Scaring us out of the little bubble we created. This caused me to giggle a little and Mr. Blackbourne to smile his millimeter smile.

"I will see you tomorrow Miss. Thomson," Mr. Blackbourne says as the door opens, showing that North has arrived.

"Thank you Mr. Blackbourne. Have a great evening," I tell him as I collect my things and I glance back at Mr. Blackbourne and had to physically stop the dreamy sigh that wanted to escape. I will definitely enjoy my time in this room. I walk over to North and leave for our next class.

North cuts through the crowd easily again, and we get to class before the bell. He gently tugs me to a seat in the back and then sits behind me. Not long after, a guy sits down in front of me. He turns around towards me, and I'm sucked in the burning eyes of Victor Morgan. My eyes to go wide and jerk my head back.

He looks at me confused, but introduces himself anyways, "I'm Victor."

I nod my head stupidly, still staring wide eyes at him. I end up hearing North clear his throat causing me to jump and smile sheepishly, "I'm Rose." I hold my hand out to him to shake. It's kind of funny, this is the second time we have actually met. It makes me glad that I changed more than just my hair, otherwise, I'm sure he would have recognize me.

Class begins before we can really talk and just like in math class, I feel like I'm more advanced than this AP class. They are so behind that I have to try hard not to laugh. After the end of class, I start to pack up my things. I notice North and Victor still sitting at their seats, and I turn to look at North in confusion.

"We wanted to know if you wanted to sit with us at lunch?" Victor asks. Causing me jump and look at him, I can't believe that he is right in front of me.

"Um, if you're sure. I would love too," I grab my bag and stand up. They follow suit and stand as well.

"Good," North says and leads the way out of the room and to the lunchroom, with Victor walking beside me.

Walking into the lunchroom, I had to do a double take. I thought it was a zoo at first. Food was filling, there was yelling, so many things happening at once and it was kind of horrifying!

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